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View Full Version : Breathlessness/blood clot and newborn baby

22-11-09, 10:12

I have just had a baby 5 weeks ago and I have convinced myself I have a blood clot - and about to have a pulmonary embolism.

I have been worried about it basically my whole pregnancy as pregnant women are more inclined to get them.

I have had a pain in my groin on and off for the last few weeks and for the last few days have been breathless on and off (like I can't take a deep breath, not so much panting and huffing).

So I have convinced myself the pain was a blood clot and I am now breathless because I am about to die from a PE.

I was doing so well with my HA during my pregnancy - I don't want it to return now. I just want to enjoy my new baby girl.

Someone please talk some sense into me:weep:

22-11-09, 11:02
hello , i doubt very much your going to have one the pains are connected to having the baby plus your hormones change back this can cause your anxiety o get high as for breathless thing its ha ,, if you feel too worried let Doctor give you check over ,but you will be fine don't worry ,,hope your baby is ok x

22-11-09, 20:37
Hello. I had the exact same worries when I was pregnant with my son and when I had had him!

First thing I will say is that you say you have been feeling like this for a few weeks? Well something would have definitely happened to you by now. When you have a blood clot it is very unlikely to go more then a couple of days without realising something is seriously wrong!

You are going to have all sorts of aches and pains after you have had a baby. Just think what your body has been through!

When women have blood clots after having their babies (which is very very rare anyway) then they are only normally considered at risk for about 2 weeks after so I was told in my pregnancy folder anyway.

It's also very common for anxiety to rocket when you have had a baby. All the hormone changes and general changes are frightening for your body and makes your anxiety go up.

Honestly I really do think you're fine. If you need to talk to any one feel free to pm me, I know how you feel I was a complete wreck when I was pregnant and after having my son (my son is 3 1/2 years old now). It's only in recent months my health anxiety has become more controlled.
Also if you do ever get really panicked about your health then give your doctor a call or even talk to a pharmacist or your health visitor xx

24-11-09, 10:51
Thank you both for taking the time to reply:blush:

andrea thompson
26-11-09, 20:40
hiya hon... i have just had a miscarraige three months ago and my hormones are haywire.... i have also convinced myself that i have a serious illness... i can think very logically about my situation and then lose all reason and have all these scary thoughts of dying... its our hormones!!!!! try to be strong.. i am sure there is nothing for you to worry about... you are so lucky to have a beautiful baby.... please try to relax and enjoy this very special time... see your Dr for re assurance... take care

x x

gina p
26-11-09, 22:01
I had the very same as you with both my pregnancies . My daughter is 2 and my son is 10 weeks old . The feelings you have are due to hormonal changes and the muscles reacting to the changes of the hormone relaxin which is abundant in pregnancy . I assure you - I had the same with both pregnancies and I,m still here to tell the tale . best wishes . xxx