View Full Version : What just happened to me??

22-11-09, 18:36
Just ate a small piece of bread, but it got stuck just past my throat, in middle of my chest. I was suddenly aware of a difficulty swallowing.

Then, I went mega-dizzy and nearly fainted with a headrush. The whole episode lasted 10 seconds max.

I have been on a PPI (acid blocking indigestion drug) for about a week, so I guess the swallowing issue freaked me out (not supposed to happen if you're on a PPI - this is what it is meant to cure!!) then I had a mini panic attack which caused the dizziness.

At the time I was certain that was it.

Now I'm not dizzy, and I've just eaten a meal. I have a slight sensation on swallowing.

WTF is happening to me I'm a grown man FFS.

22-11-09, 18:47
could it be your panicking when you eat i ont think its anything ,,i am gla you feel better no i suggest you chew food 20 times till its very small this could help xx

22-11-09, 20:16
I've been on PPI's for 6 months now and I don't think it would be them causing this. Probably just a minor bit of food getting stuck and the panicking made it worse, I have had similar things happen when eating. Anxiety can give some trouble digesting, and I guess bread can have a tendancy to stick around as it's a bit dry. Hope your now feeling better