View Full Version : cold after cold after cold

22-11-09, 19:17
Im sick of being ill. In the past 3 weeks i have been up & down with a cold so has my son. 2 days ago i thought it had gone but all today my throat is sore again :( why cant i clear it? im really worried theres something wrong with my immune system. I eat really healthly so really worried :(

22-11-09, 19:42
Im sick of being ill. In the past 3 weeks i have been up & down with a cold so has my son. 2 days ago i thought it had gone but all today my throat is sore again :( why cant i clear it? im really worried theres something wrong with my immune system. I eat really healthly so really worried :(


I have had sneezing fits and runny/blocked nose week after week and it's incredibly frustrating.

I was fine during the summer and since October it's been on an off with the cold. Lumps under my ear, popping ears, sneezing, ulcers in my mouth etc. It's worrying me big time.

I broke down in the car today when someone played a "Joke" on me saying white spots/dots in your mouth are a sign of severe illness.

I have, on each side of my mouth, a small breakout of white spots and dots on the corner of my mouth and I am really terrified that I am unwell.

Is this normal ? I haven't noticed them before but then I have never really looked for them before. :weep:

22-11-09, 19:45
i think if you are worn down mentally and physically it takes forever somtimes to recover..i got a cold 8 wks ago..followed by chest infection followed by sinus infection followed by ear infection ..i went deaf in left ear then in my right ear..drove me mad with worry but getting a little better every day..i worry just the same as you..had antibiotics.(didnt make a difference at all)..hope you recover soon..worrying about it ,im sure it makes it worse..:)

22-11-09, 20:28
This is exactly how I am at the moment.
For the last 6 weeks I have had an on off cold. When I first got the cold it only affect me for a few days but I had an awful red raw sore throat.
The second time I got another cold just a week and a half later (or maybe it was the same cold from before?) and this made me feel so awful for about a week and again my throat felt red raw!
Then on wednesday night my throat started up again and its feels so sore every time I swallow. I'm going to the doctors on tuesday for more tablets anyway so I might mention it to them then because I was thinking I might have a throat infection. Well of course at first I was thinking it was throat cancer or something but my Mum managed to help me calm down over that!

I know its hard but try not to worry so much because theres not really any thing bad that a sore throat can actually be. You could always pop to the doctors or even talk to a pharmacist if its really worrying you but I'm sure you are fine and you aren't the only one, just remember lots of people have almost constant colds this time of year xx

22-11-09, 20:30
Starscream, I thought I would reply to you too.
Last year I had a throat infection and with it came huge painful ulcers in my mouth. I would go to the doctors and get some anti-biotics if I was you.

As for the white spots I don't think they are anything to worry about but it could be something like thrush? Thrush is common in the mouth because it loves warm wet things! x

23-11-09, 09:02
hi all, i have woken up today & feel awful. Can barely swallow, so tired & have such a headache. My throat hurts to even swallow saliva :(

23-11-09, 09:11
think you should see docter love

23-11-09, 19:12
hi all, well i saw the doc today and he just said it was a bad cold :( has anyone else had one for 3 weeks? its doing my head in!

23-11-09, 20:13
Hi Tash my son has had a cold now for about 8 weeks it gets slightly better then he will get up and be really ill again. In your case you have been so worried and worn down by your anxiety it is no wonder you cant shake it off. You and your son are probably passing it to and from each other. Kids pick things up all the time if any of my kids get ill you can guarantee i will get it where as chris never gets ill,