View Full Version : Adrenal Fatigue?

22-11-09, 19:46
Hey everyone, I am new to this forum, only just discovered it around 30 mins ago!

I just wanted to talk about my symptoms and problems and what I think it may have caused. Basically as a kid I didn't feel bad, I was happy and I didn't suffer from generalized anxiety or any of the symptoms I do now.

When I turned 12-13 though and started getting bullied at school and had problems attending and things got even worse etc... that is when my depression, self image, self esteem, confidence etc.. problems started. I did start to suffer from anxiety then too, back then though it was more anxiety of attending school rather than it being generalized. If I knew I could skip school and not go then my anxiety stopped and I felt big relief. If I knew I had to go in my anxiety was big and I spent the whole day being stressed and on edge. I remember coming home from school and being really tired and falling sleep for an hour or so in the evenings.

Anyway this school problem continued until I was 15-16 and I went through a lot of stress and anxiety during that time and took it out on people close to me. Something I regret massively now, but hey you can't turn back the clock can you? When I left school I felt better because I felt I could rebuild my life, went college when I was 17 but suffered with anxiety when I went because it brought back bad memories of school life and I ended up quitting after 2 months.

After that I pretty much went for 4 years hiding away in the house and playing computer games a lot and watching TV to distract myself from the anxiety and self esteem problems I had. I did go out the house, I went food shopping and sometimes played football with friends but I did suffer a lot of anxiety and stress when I did go out the house and it developed into a fear. I am 21 now and a few weeks ago I just sat there and got so angry at myself for what I had been doing for the past 4 years, just wasting my life and not working or studying etc... and I decided I need to start facing my fears and anxietys, so hopefully I am going to be on a road to getting my life back, it's a work in progress at the moment.

Anyway, something I have suffered with since I was 13 is tiredness. I am always tired, every single day without fail I am tired and I look tired. I have dark circles under my eyes and stuff, even if I sleep 8-9 hours a night and my diet is good. I don't have fizzy drinks, no alcohol. I eat plenty of protein, make sure I don't eat hardly any cakes, biscuits or sugary stuff and I take vitamins but yet I feel like i'm drunk constantly.

My symptoms are... Fatigue, sweating for no reason quite a lot, bad acne, bad muscle twitches, sometimes I get blurry vision, neck pain, pale skin, looking ill.

I have had the fatigue like I mentioned since I was 13 aswell as the acne but over the past 2 years the muscle twitches, sweating when resting, blurry vision and neck pain have come on. I have had maybe 3 blood tests over the course of 3 years for it and they have all come back that I am in good health. Surely that can't be right!!??

I have done loads of research on my symptoms and it appears I have probably got Adrenal Fatigue because of being stressed out for about 7 years. It made me wonder... Maybe a lot or most of the other who suffer with anxiety have this condition. It comes about from prolonged stress to your body, so someone who has generalized anxiety for instance would be likely to get it because the body is constantly in high alert and pumping out adrenaline and that is in turn wearing out the adrenal glands because they can't keep up.

Any thoughts on this?

22-11-09, 20:23
u are right 99.9%. What u need to do is set a time to get up(stay with it), say 7-8 am. strecth your body slowly at first, always whole body arms straight up, deep breath hold slowly release. then arms lift, then right, then legs etc...atlest 5-10min, to start..eat small breakfast. go outside even just the front yard, breath & hold, off and on..say I feel good today!! exercise a little at first.. build up slowly over a few weeks... u will start to feel better slowly. this way the body starts to use up the extra adrenaline.( ask your doctor about the exercise first, and about a Beta-blocker), mate u are still a young man and u have time on your side to over come this. u have to think positive! u are not alone and most all the people here, myself included has the same type of symptoms to a "T"...good luck. u can e-mail me anytime. Stevie j.

22-11-09, 21:11
Tiredness can also come from staying in and not doing much, if you just take it one step at a time, start off slowly, then build up at a steady pace, i'm sure you'll find your fitness etc starts to improve.

22-11-09, 21:26
Tiredness can also come from staying in and not doing much, if you just take it one step at a time, start off slowly, then build up at a steady pace, i'm sure you'll find your fitness etc starts to improve.

I agree with what you said, the only thing that confuses me is that I do weights and I excercise and go out but I still feel really tired and have aches and pains. Even if I rest for week and not do weights I'll still feel no change so it's not like I have overworked myself... I think it's because of constant anxiety and stress and it's dragging my body down.