View Full Version : Reduction In Beta Blockers Question Please?

22-11-09, 23:04
For about a month I took 10 mg's of ziac because the doctor upped my regular 2.5 because she thought I had high blood pressure..

We requested her to lower it and for me to try to monitor my blood pressure at home. My question is that if I only took a higher dose for about a month and went back down to 2.5 could that make my heart start missing beats?

Could it maybe trying to adjust to the lack of the new medicine? and is causing the missed beats? Anyone know of this maybe happening.?

03-12-09, 05:45
It shouldnt cause missed beats. I have up'ed and lowered my beta blocker a few times depending on how my shaking is. All of us have missed beats. Even those without anxiety. But our anxiety makes us much more aware of our bodies and what we are feeling. Do you find its worse when you are anxious at all?