View Full Version : Letter from Dr re:blood test results

22-11-09, 23:43
Really panicking again, had blood test a couple of weeks ago for joint pain and have now received a letter from doctor asking me to come. I know they only ask to see you if results are not ok. Have appointment for Friday, but really panicking and stressed.
Please advise ..:weep:

23-11-09, 01:03
It might not be serious! i too got a letter from the docs and it turned out my levels weren't right so i took another one and they were fine, does it say urgent or anything on your letter?

23-11-09, 05:30
As hard as it is try not to think the worst. It could very well be that you just need to repeat the tests or it could be something very minor. Worrying about it is only going to drive you mad and wont change the results. Just try really hard to take your mind of it as much as possible.

23-11-09, 09:52

If you are really worried then ring and ask to speak to doc:yesyes:

If it was anything serious they would ring you straight away.....I once had a blood teat in the morning and was in hosp the same day!!!!

Try not to worry:hugs:

Kaz x

23-11-09, 16:52
They like to see you if there's a slight abnormality rather than you just find out from the receptionist, I think so they can tell you that you don't need to worry! I was once having blood tests because of swollen glands and ended up showing elevated liver enzymes! I obviously freaked out at this, but they retested me and levels were fine!

23-11-09, 16:54
I'd have more of a fright if they phoned you to tell you they were slightly out and needed to be re-done, I had that to me, my heart sank when they said what it was regarding.

23-11-09, 17:06
It will be something really minor.

They once told me my white blood cell count was slightly down either that or my red I can't remember. He said it's most likely because of a virus. I had another test done a month later and it had gone back to normal.

Like other posters have said if it was serious they would't wait until friday to see you.


23-11-09, 18:12
my doc asked to see you after every blood test,,its something i thought they were supposed to do,,but i must admit the first time last year i was scared wondered what was wrong, just wanted to discuss the findings or lack of in my case lol

Joe D
23-11-09, 19:19
Keep us posted, I bet it was something minor :D