View Full Version : anxiety and heart problems

13-11-05, 23:13
someone told me today that the attacks i am getting could be mini-heart attacks or the start of heart disease, and that anxiety is often misdiagnosed for heart problems, and when i drink and do xanax i feel better cause it thins out my blood? my heart hurts sometimes, but nothing serious and im pretty sure its just a muscle thats sore. I still think my panick attacks are from good ol anxiety, i was just wondering what everyone thoughts on this were. Cause that got me scared, anxiety is one thing but having a heart problem would SUCK. By the way im 18 years old

13-11-05, 23:28
Does the 'someone who told you' have in depth knowledge of your medical history and have a health care degree ?

I think you'll finr that it is hearsay and scaremongering

You don't get mini heart attacks - you either get angina or a real heart attack which presents differently to anxiety.

*anxiety is often misdiagnosed for heart problems* what a load of rubbish in the normal population never mind in a teenager.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-11-05, 23:36
thats what i thought also, i just needed some positive reinforcement. thanks!

Sue K with 5
14-11-05, 11:55
Hi Pete !

When I was about your age I was smoking and drinking and when you suffer anxiety its not such a good combination, anyway I too started to get pains and aches near the heart area and it scared me and made the panic worse, I tend not to listen to the advise of anyone unless they are medically trained. Ask for a full check up with you gp and dont worry, this I promise you is good old anxiety and panic !

Take good care of yourself

Sue with 5


14-11-05, 14:01
Hi Pete

It's just good ol' Mr Anxiety rearing his ugly head mate.

Take care

Elaine x

14-11-05, 14:58
Listen to Meg!!!

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.