View Full Version : Exercising and Afraid of being out of breathe

23-11-09, 01:25
Has anyone over come the sensation of being out of breathe and can't breathe with exercise.

I am afraid of exercise as I am afraid of not being able to caught my breathe and feeling out winded.

I panic and worry that my blood pressure is too high, I will have a heart attack or stroke.

I have shut out my doggie walks because there is a slight incline in our walking path and in a few spots my heart speeds up and then I get nervous and avoid this.

Anyone can help me please, I am gaining and gaining more weight.

23-11-09, 02:18
I have this problem too, I did go for a walk one day and was just getting over a cold and wasn't able to catch my breath and went into a severe panic where I thought I was going to die so now I won't even go back to the spot where it happened!

23-11-09, 04:54
I had and have this issue too sometimes..for about a month everytime I went anywhere it felt as though I could not breathe.I wouldn't even go in the grocery I would make my wife go in while I sat there and checked my pulse..I still feel like that from time to time but luckily my wife tells me to get up and get going.. Im breathing ok I told my doctor about it and she said it was anxiety . I was even feeling like that in her office and she told me I was fine just anxiety ..

I had to get going I can't afford to gain weight..We live at a mile and one half over sea level and breathing is hard here already so you can imagine what its like exerting yourself. As for the high blood pressure, high altitude can make it even higher.. I have to push on and hope its ok.. We have been here for four years and suppose if I was going to die I would have already . I was reading something this afternoon that says one of the best things for high blood pressure is to exercise.. So hope this helps. If that is correct I should be in great shape. Unfortunately im not but im trying. By the way im 55 if that helps.. Michael

23-11-09, 14:46
:hugs:I have had to go to physio for my breathing:blush:
They start with very gentle excersises.
Just 5 mins (if you can manage it) on an static cycle
Just 5 mins (if you can manage it) doing step ups
hands on a wall doing (upright) press ups
And other exercises.
Do what you can - but NO more than 5 mins
it is amazing how unfit i had become
3 mins of step ups and i am whacked.
in between they advise 2-3 mins rest.
Everything is planned to build everything very very slowly.
Hope this helps

23-11-09, 14:50
i also get this i think i will try tose exersises thaks for posting

23-11-09, 15:45
My Health Anxiety really started to be bad when I was going to the gym. I was ok with the cardio stuff like bikes, rowing, steppers, treadmill e.t.c but when I started doing the weights my problems began.

I became very aware of my body when doing weights. Noticing all the little twinges e.t.c and I'm sure this is where my health anxiety started. This was all due to training with the guy who owned the gym who was a body builder. They basically do reps until they can't move their arms/legs e.t.c

ever since I've been scared to 'over do it' with exercise.

I'm unfit. I'm 28 and weigh like 22 stone. I'm scared i'll have a heart attck or something.


Joe D
23-11-09, 19:30
Walking the dog is decievingly fatiguing, Im a very fit 24 year old and walking the dog for an hour sometimes kills me. My muscles tire and my BPM is raised, but walking is an amazing form of exercise.

24-11-09, 14:13
superjonboy - i think you were right about your fears starting at the gym:blush: some of the people there love showing off - they can 'do it all' :ohmy:
When we can't keep up with them we begin to get withdrawn - the 'what ifs' begin.
Have a go at doing some of the things in my post - JUST 5 mins and NO more. The more often you do it the better you will become.
It takes at least 6 weeks before we were allowed to go to 7 mins (if we could). no problem if we couldn't just keep trying for the 5.
For me it must be gentle so that I don't start to panic:blush:
Walking is another VERY good excersise "the books" say 'begin with a walk taking 15 mins from your front door and the 15 mins back to your home is yoru 30 min excersise':yesyes:
Best wishes

26-11-09, 15:58
Thank you everyone, I have heard some great tips and I will do the 5 min spirts and build on from there. I also think I am over breathing and actually hyperventalting because I caught myself deep breathing and then it begins a little more rapid. My daughter says she actually loves that feeling of heavy breathing then she knows she is working hard. It would only take a slight feel of tightness and I would be in the panic instantly.

Good luck to all of you suffering the same, we all need to take those baby steps and conqueur it !