View Full Version : Diagnosed with Glaucoma

Pancho Villa
23-11-09, 05:18
Hi everyone:

I have been suffering from acute anxiety for the last 3 years.
My anxiety has been a life long companion, coming and going of it's own accord without any specific reason. But right now it's extremely bad.

Two months ago I went to see an Eye Specialist because of some disturbances with my eyesight. I was diagnosed as having Glaucoma
which is one of the main causes of blindness.

I'm now under treatment and the pressure of my eyes have gone down back to normal level so as not to cause anymore damage to the optic nerve, they were extremely high before treatment.

This news have been really devastating for me, the fear of going blind is with me all the time. I have never been with so much panic and desperation as I'm now. It's difficult to describe.
Thank you for reading.

23-11-09, 16:54
I can fully understand how scared you must be. I have ridiculously bad eyesight and going blind is one of my big worries. You have to focus on the good news though - they seem to have caught it and treated it and are keeping it under control. I find with eye doctors you just have to keep asking questions and they are normally very happy to provide you with more information. I hope everything stays ok x

23-11-09, 18:24
hiya i can understand your fears,,i was diagnosed with catacts at the age of 41,,then only after a massive headache, where i put my hand over my left eye,,and realised i couldnt see a thing outta my right,,i was terrified,,thought it was a brain tumour,,you know how we are,,,i lived without sight in my right eye for three years,,till i finally plucked up the courage to hve the op done,,only to be told my left eye was slowly going,,6 months later i had no sight in it at all,,ive had the worst cataracts my specialist has ever seen lol,,fame at last,,ive now had both done,,but my sights not good,,i have lousy night vision,,, but with glasses i can see, i love reading and drawing so this can be a problem,,hope your eyes get no worse , but i do know a chap tht has had glaucoma for years and still reads well,,as long as its treated i think you,ll be fine

Joe D
23-11-09, 19:27
How is your eyesight generally? Could it be the anxiety creating pressure?

Pancho Villa
25-11-09, 08:13
Thank you so much for your kind words. I feel better now after reading them, makes me feel that someone out there understands.
Joe D, my front vision is not too bad, it's my peripheral vision that I have lost, That's what Glaucoma starts detroying first. And as you say I do believe that anxiety contributes to raise intraocular pressure. To all of you reading this I would strongly suggest to get your eyes checked by a specialist, many people with Glaucoma don't even know they have it until it's too late. All it takes is just a few minutes.
Thank you all.