View Full Version : Heart palps so scared

23-11-09, 07:10
Hey guys last night when i was asleep i got that squizing heart palpitation felling and i ignored it and went to sleep and today i had one of those Big redbull drinks and i have had a bout 6 or 7 of those heart palp fellings im really scared they hurt and im scared my heart is failing o me or im having or leading up to a heart atack....

23-11-09, 07:48
don't be scared red bull is energy drink so makes your body feel more alert your not having heart attack

23-11-09, 07:56
That doesint explain the heart palps

23-11-09, 08:03
Bukendaa.. red bull will give you palps if you are susceptible to them anyway because it is very high caffeine... caffeine is one of the worst triggers for palps along with alchohol and stress/anxiety..... i think artificial sweeters can also trigger palps.

I have had palps for a couple of years now and sometimes they can be really big and leave a sort of aching feeling.

Chat to your dr about it and im sure he will reassure you that it is just the caffeine and/or anxiety that has caused these.. try not to worry.

Mand x

23-11-09, 08:09
Heart palps are the most common side effect when you have health anxiety or any anxiety for that matter.

I had a heart monitor for a day just because i was sooo worried and nothing was wrong, the dr said my results showed anxiety and that's what I was feeling in my heart.

Of course the more you focus on it the worse it will get and the more you will panic...... thus the nasty health anxiety.:mad:

Anyway, red bull has taurine and LOADS of Caffeine ..... a stimulant and this was making your heart palps worse.

Caffeine is a no no for people with anxiety, it makes it all worse

So anxiety palps are normal, they are real but do not do any damage:yesyes: