View Full Version : panic attack-trigger word-attention seeker

14-11-05, 06:11
I just want to take the time to ask people to stop calling other attention seeking. To get you fact's straight before you start any thing with people. Name calling is not fun nor is it something that us as adults should do.

There has been a fue time the the word's like attention seeker have been used in chat and i do not think it is nice nor fair that people assume this about anyone no matter what thay did or said.

if you want to start calling people attention seeker's look at your own behaviour befor you start throw word around at people. There are people her that have to had with being called attention seeker's all there life like me only to now find out after 28y thay may have OCD and not just anxiety. I'm sure you your self would hate to be called an attenstion seeker while you were in the middle of a panic attack your self. To call a person a attention seeker is not nice nor called for nor is helpfull to that person or the people who read it as it happening.

I have been called a attention seeker all my life due to my anxiety and posiable OCD just because I am different. When a OCD person get's anxiety thay dont just have to deal with the panic symptom thay also have to deal with the compulsion that go with it that there brain is telling then to do to releave the anxiety. Some OCD people rock or tap or count or cheak thing. Some time's the compulsion are more out there than the norm along with the compulsion is the word in you head that are telling you why you feel anxious and why you need to do what you do releave your feelingn of anxiety.

There is a huge difference between child hood onset OCD and later in life onset OCD. IF you have childhood onset OCD you dont alway know what thought are normal and what are not you have to learn this with life expreance like I did and it's not happy life to lead. When your alway's being told you doing things wrong or thinking wrong or seeking attenstion when inside deap down you really feel like you putting your all into being a good person.

As many as 1 in 100 kids are said to have OCD on some level. These kids dont alway know what it is about them that is different but just know thay are thay try to hide there issues out of fear that thay insane. Thay take far longer to get over OCD that any other anxiety issues. Set back are are far more likly and it's life long condition with ups and down unlike normal anxiety. Often childhood OCD has other co existing condiction that make it even harder to diagnoise and treat.


(OCD affects nearly 1% of the pediatric population. The symptoms of this illness can interrupt development, causing significant psychological distress and producing life-long impairments in social, academic, and occupational functioning.)

How does it feel?


Individuals may feel some or all of the following:

* a seemingly constant stream of uncomfortable, irrational and often frightening thoughts/images or impulses which cause mild to acute distress
* a sense of fear, foreboding, uncertainty, guilt, doubt or anxiety in response to everyday objects, tasks, situations or people
* overriding guilt as a result of the possibility of harming or killing another person
* a compelling and insurmountable urge to carry out rituals or repetitive tasks in order to prevent the frightening image or thought actually happening
* to an individual without OCD, trying to resist the compulsions would feel like being in a taxi on the way to a long-haul flight knowing that you have left your empty home with the gas oven fully switched on, the iron plugged in and a lighted candle burning and unable to turn around and go back
* everyday tasks, for example, switching lights on and off or using the telephone, feel like insurmountable obstacles
* a state of constant alert and needing to scan one's environment in order to minimise risks
* a sense of life never being the same again
* feeling rooted to the spot by the in

14-11-05, 09:23
Hya Mum. That was a really well said post. Noone has any right to call someone an attention seeker. And i have been called it on here and it is ridiculous. Everybody is in here for a reason, and those people who have been calling others attention seekers know who they are. You would expect people to respect your problems, so respect ours and dont call us or make out we are seeking attention.

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless

14-11-05, 09:41

I really am pmsl at your reply to mum, you don't like to be called an attention seeker which everyone respects, well then others don't like to be called tosspots, bunny boilers or stupid fat bitches either, so respect that too eh !!!!

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-11-05, 10:45
stardust it was you who started name calling, and saying awful things. You tell us to respect other peoples problems, well we do, how about some respect for nic's site and everyone else on here? You behaviour last night was so childish and upset people and made them leave chat. You should be ashamed of yourself, and grow up, if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all!


14-11-05, 12:19
well said tracy and alice . stardust u should be ashamed and be groveling at this point for upsetting so many people with genuine problems

14-11-05, 15:04
Mum you are so right about being called attention seekers, anyone outside anxiety circles etc always get it and it isn’t nice, IO have suffered anxiety, phobias and horrible fears for over 40 years and have been told so many times to pull myself together or stop attention seeking and it really hurts. We all who have anxiety and other anxiety disorders attention seek, we just get comfort form others with the same problem and its just reassurance we want. I don’t have OCD but know what you mean about childhood OCD as I had it as a child and so many others do too when young. Like scared to step on gaps in paving slabs, making sure all coins are pointing one way in your pocket, making sure you take only even steps on stairs etc, as a child lots have this that at the time seems such a compulsion, but has you say lots of us grow out of this and I do understand that adult OCD is a lot worst and to say the least hell to live with like most other anxiety disorders they are invisible and if you don’t suffer them you cant possibly understand the stresses it causes. Even Doctors and medical professions don’t understand unless they have suffered themselves. Take care mum. Vernon

14-11-05, 17:24
Thank you for your reply's.

I was trying to help people here understand the profound impact of the word attenstion seeker if said to the wrong person at the worng time. Star should never have name salled eaither but I have to say I understand where is all came from star In was you at your age. I'm 28y and I did not realised the impact of me behaviour till 3 year ago . I was having another argument over something I felt in my heart was extreamly important with my partner when it hit I did this every time i felt happy and threatened. I had gotten so use to being called names thay I was making those name came true for people. If thay called me some name it was far easy to act that way in front of them instead of trying to explain the unexplainable in my head(which now beleaive is OCD and alway's been OCD). It was far easier to act dumb at school then put my hand up yet again and ask a question that I felt I HAD to know the answer to right then and there before I could do my work. I was far easier to have no friend's than explain to them why i rocked or tapped or banged my head when i did. It was far easier to plau up my issues and tease my self when every one was teasing my as well than to cry in front on them.

I smile when bad things happen because I dont want to cry and I know if i dont smile I WILL cry and if I cry I loses it compleaty. I joke in times of really bad stuff like when my baby went couldn't breath just recently and had to go hospital. I was laughing smiling joking while a half a dozon people work quickly to get him breathing normal again. I smiled and joked about still when I talk about it and people say to me "it's not funny why do you find it funny" that set's off my anxiety big time and before I went on OCD med's just over a month ago I would have argued with people in that situtation just like star did. I would not have named call but I would have said everything els star prety much said I would use all the info I had in my head to fight the fight i thought needed fighting. Star dose not have the extra 7 or what eva years of experiance i have with this kind thought process that go's on in the head of someone with OCD. OCD is not just about doing weird compulsion like stepping on or over cracks or touching thing a certian amount of time's. OCD is far more complicated than that and there is far more to it. Like certain word's or behaviour from self or other can trigger image's or question in the OCD person head that then set off a chain reaction of behaviour ect. OCD can effect one's life and relationship's is more ways than just the other poeple seeing the odd quirks like rocking or tapping. Specialy if anxiety disorder in also present with OCD it can make life far more complecated than just plain OCD. Some time OCD people fear and compulsion clash with each and thay clash with other people as well. OCD is not as excuse to behave bad or name call but you have to give star and people like star and other people on this site as well a brack let them get better as well. Work with them not against them to get better to learn from mistake that we all have made with our issues complicating our life's.

This is not the firsy time I seen the people on this site attack a fellow anxiety person because thay did not understand the person or the disorder thay suffered from. I saw you do it with a anther person who got of on thr wrong foot back when I first started coming here and I have seen you do to hurtsomuch as well. This is meant to be a level playing ground a safe place if we cant trust our self to treat other with repect by not name calling and by insuring that we dont gang up on some one and talk behind there backs negatively when thay are not in room. Then if we cant treat people the way wish we were treated if we faced the same or simular chalenge in life than we are just as bad as the other person or worse really. If you hate the behaviour so much dont copy them thats silly. Work with them to help them see a better way threw there issues. If thay still dont listen when your nice despite your effo

14-11-05, 18:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> Then if we cant treat people the way wish we were treated if we faced the same or simular chalenge in life than we are just as bad as the other person or worse really. If you cant be bothered trying to see it from the other person perpective how can dare to expect the person you baiting to see it from your perspective.
<div align="right">Originally posted by mum2four - 14 November 2005 : 17:24:14</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Mum, no one was attacking star in the aggressive way you seem to believe. She was the person attacking others for no reason, and being malicious. If you believe that that behaviour is acceptable then thats your opinion, but many others on here believe there is no excuse or defense for being that childish and nasty. At no point did star try and see things from our point of view, or from nics, and she continued to verbally abuse others despite our pleadings to stop. what you are saying is applicable to star and yourself, and i dont see how we could have reacted in any other way.

I didnt even know star had ocd, and i certainly dont think that its any excuse for the sort of behaviour she was displaying last night. So ocd makes you say malicious things about other people without provocation? ive never heard that one before. It seems to be a sensitive subject for you mum, but noone was singling star out because of any disorder that she may have, we were simply defending people who she was bitching about, and saying to her it wasnt acceptable. i for one dont think that that is unfair, or too much to ask. This is nics site and how dare star be so awful about her and others. It is not acceptable.

14-11-05, 19:12
Alice everything you said about star happened to star as well and thats what i dont get. One rule for one and other for everyone ele was just as bad.

Thats what's unfair.

You say you couldn't have been expectedc to respond other way MY POINT EXACTLY well said same when star and my self.

This is a sensative subject for me cause I was star at her her age. I see my self in star heap's. I also feel like with out my med's I'm on right now I would have done what star did except the name's. I was nehind the seans trying to calm her down while other people keep BAITING her thats was uncalled for.

14-11-05, 19:34
where was the baiting mum we where just telling her to stop . and i think the rules aply to us all not just one mazzx

14-11-05, 19:48
the baiting was over and over again calling her name after the first time it nevr went down well like the word attenstion seeker and childish thay are words that trigger my thought's to go it to hyper drive when then set my fight instinct to max and i then have to run or hide and in a site like this I find my self want to stay and torn between fighting and defending my self anf shuting my mouth and letting the thought control my mood and my life.

before you make a coment like that and keeo saying it over and over because you think you right take a moment to concider the reponce you first got and know that if it cause a bad reponce it gona make it worse if it said again and again.

14-11-05, 20:00
No-one was baiting star, simply asking her and then telling her to stop the name calling and stop being so unnecessarily nasty to nic and others. There were 3 administrators in the room mum, and none of them and any objection to anything that was said to star, who can object to someone asking another person not to be so malicious?

Maybe you werent there when star was at her worst, did you not hear her insults to other members? this was without anyone saying anything to her. And then to insult nic, on nics own site, is just plain nasty, and she had no reason to do this. Star started this whole thing, and no one was baiting her, just telling her to stop, for others sake, and for her own.

I dont want to start an argument on here, so lets just draw a line under it and move on. None of us want to cause nic anymore problems so lets just leave it and go back to being the happy-go-lucky people we were before lol

14-11-05, 20:07
this all started day's before the comments about nic.

14-11-05, 21:16
mum, stars unacceptable behaviour was last night in the chatroom. This is what we are all talking about.

14-11-05, 21:41
Your not getting it this started day's ago when people called her a attention seeker ect.

When some starts a feeling of anxiety it can be hard stop and when OCD is also involved it can be hard to control you self. If some walked up to you threaten you with a something that could hurt you fright flight fight instinck would kick in and when you have OCD this is what can happen with trigger word's ot thought's or image's form self and other. You dont keep saying the word that triggered the fight in the first place and that what people did. Just because it was new situtation and new comment dosn't mean thay are not connected the problem with OCD is often obsessive think make's odd conection in you head. With child hood onset OCD the person may not to be able to see why thay are not connected.

15-11-05, 09:34

I havent heard any name calling etc on chat when I have been in. So I suppose I shouldn't reply to this, But I do feel we are all here for similar reasons, Anxiety etc. I have found this site a comfort and helpful, as well as making lots of new friends.

I think that nic has worked hard on this forum and we should use it how its meant to be used for helping yourself and others.

So please lets stop any arguments and go back to supporting and helping each other.

Love u all

Kazo xxx

15-11-05, 18:53
That what I want so bad Kazo to stop the fighting my anxiety has been sky high since this all began. I have been scared to go on the internet scared to not go on the internet I feel like I'm being torn in a millon direction with no happy fun answer in site. This moriing it took me hours to convince me to come on line. This is what all away happen to me I have been saying this to poeple here since I got here and I'm saying it again I alway stuff up big time with people and I HATE that so much. As soon as something nedative happen's I get defencive and start a debate or a start an argument or defend a person that needs defending ect ect no mater what I do I make people hate me and feel like I done that here as well I feel like history is still stuck on repeat maybe not as bad anymore that I'm med's. While I dont like what star said about nic i still feel strongly that she reminds me of me and I think she was treated unfairly and no one gave her a chance to explain what happen before her silly momentry laps in judgment.

I feel like people have never listen to me whole life I stuff up something bad happens and then I try to explain and people just dont want to listen. I feel like I become this invisable no body and before this all happen that is exactly what happen to me i came on line and was feeling invisalbe enough already and then to have my post seemingly ignored and to go in to chat and try to tell people there that i was have an invisable moment and to be ignore by people like I was hurt so bad and it made my feeling worse and it was the amish theam that pulled me out of it and to have people turn around and say that the amish thing was wrong and to stop was like you all just turn on me and attacked me. I cant help how I feel and while I;m not defending star word's I am defending the fact that i can understand how easy it is to get so worked up and have your fight instinct on high alert like stars and mine were this past fue day's.

This may be far past your abilty to comprehend I dont know it seem like i'm speacking some alien langue or something and this is my life story right here right now. My life has been like liveing in a constant battle ground in side my head and out side my head. Being on these med's has been like heaven conpared to the life in side my head. I'm still strggling to change the way I see the out world due to the way I reacted to it from my in side world. So please I;m asking you to try to see this all from another perspective.

Imagin feeling like your doing the wrong thing by not arguing ypur ponit. Imagin I sopose feeling like you have terette syndrome but instead you feel compleatlt compelled to argu you point about something confess explain talk about every thing in your head because if you dont it will some how eat away at you untill you no longer feel like you can handle being in side your self and you want out you want the thoughts out and you want them out now. That is why I would bang my head to try to make the thoughts stop. I new it was not working but I new that what i was arguing about was not working either and by not arguing or saying what was in my head I felt like I was a going to be a danger to my self and other around me. I felt like by not saying what was in my head it was some how going to make me hurt someone or myself. That how I felt my whole life despite people asking me to shut up a shhhhhhhhhhh and you name it so on and so on I felt like I damned if I did and damned if I didn't so i shut my self off from the world and the people in it.

I finaly come online and somehow came across this site and begane my road to feeling a way i never felt before. I also feel that star deserved that chance may be it's not her time but I think if people were more understanding and open with me i would have discovered that I may have OCD before now. But people did exactly what you did to star and that HURT more that you ncan imagin. I felt like my whole life was flashing before my eye's when you all started picking her the first time before the nic comment's. That's my comm

15-11-05, 20:30
Hi mum

I am not saying I think you are wrong or that whoever else is concerned is wrong. I understand that you are saying how you feel about whatever happened and are entitled to say your opinion.

I dont know who said what or what happened at all, I know that I have never said anything about anyone on this site as I think all of you as my friends that I want to talk to, get advice from and give advice to.

I just want all of us to be able to go back to how it was friendly and helpful and enjoy chatting to each other.

take care
kazo xxx

15-11-05, 20:48
i want the same thing as well.