View Full Version : No More Meds

23-11-09, 15:54

Just wanted to see if there are people out there that deal with their anxiety/panic without using medication? That is my ultimate goal. Considering this sprung up out of nowhere - i shouldnt need to take medication. Any advice?



23-11-09, 16:48
Hey, well I have never used medication for my generalized anxiety. I took Zoloft for 3 days in a row once when I got prescribed them but thought... Nah I can't carry on with this. Then a week or so ago I felt really ill with anxiety and sleepless nights that I went to the doctor and asked for something stronger and she said "I can't give you Xanax, it's highly addictive and I don't prescribe that" So she gave me Citalopram and I took just one tablet and felt sick so I never took any more.

I do suffer with my anxiety but i'm determined to overcome this without medication and the side effects it involves. I am positive I can do this.

23-11-09, 19:36
I think it depends on how bad your anxiety is. I have a phobia about taking meds so most of the time I battle along without anything. To a certain extent I've managed to control the anxiety and panic attacks which I suppose I would never have learnt to do if I'd relied on drugs, but there are times when I just need a little extra help. Recently I've had such a time and went to the doctor for a prescription. I didn't want to take it - I was so scared - but I was also pretty desperate and eventually I did take a pill and discovered that it helped.
I haven't needed to take another one since then because all I needed to do was face my fear and now I know I can do it I don't even need them, plus I feel safe knowing they're there just in case.
So I suppose the cure is a combination of medication and self-help.

margaret jones
23-11-09, 19:51
Hi I do not take meds ,but that is not to say that they are wrong some people like me with H.A.are afraid to take meds i sometimes wish that i could take them to ease the anxiety ,but they are notr for me

Best Wishes
