View Full Version : Frequent Urination

23-11-09, 16:53
I have not been on for a while, because I foolishly thought I had this Anxiety beat.... For the past 3 months I have had very few sympltoms and fealt really great. The key, I found was to accept it for what it is an get on with life........

However I have suddenly, now after all this time started urinate very regularly. When I mean regularly I mean up to four times an hour every hour. This has made me start to panic as all sorts of bad thoughts about prostate cancer etc run through my head...

What I dont understand is that before this started I was not worrying about nothing...How can anxiety kick in when you are not worrying about anything?????

On the posotive side the frequent urination does not stop me sleeping and only happens during the daytime. This makes me think it cant be anything more serious!!!! Do you agree???

But it has been going on for a week now and is starting to drag me back down again :weep:

23-11-09, 16:58

This is from the symptoms page on the left..

Kidneys, urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the toilet

What you feel:

You have an urgent need to go to the toilet, even though you may have just gone. Starts decreasing urine output but initially wants to get rid of everything already waiting to be excreted. May need to visit the loo urgently.
What causes this:

High stress biology produces the need to eliminate. It does so because when the body prepares for action, it wants to eliminate all waste matter in order to make the body as well prepared for action as possible. Having all excess baggage removed, the individual will be at their peak readiness in order to 'fight or run' - the 'fight or flight' response, produced by the Emergency alarm.
This symptom is very common and often experienced by stage performers just before they are to perform. Unfortunately, for those who experience anxiety disorder, a high level of stress biology will produce this symptom, and as long as the stress biology is high, the symptom will be produced. That's just how the body was engineered.
Some remedies include ant-acids, diarrhoea medication, relaxation and deep breathing.

If it was anything serious you would be up all night as well. The illness wouldn't just stop at that time if you see what I mean

23-11-09, 17:25

I appreciate what you are saying, but the thing I find difficult to understand/accept is what would trigger this when I am not anxious or worrying about anything at all and have had no other symptoms for nearly three months!!


23-11-09, 17:45
Sometimes we don't know we are stressed as we don't feel it.

I had this problem with having to urinate every half an hour but I have Crohn's disease and the bowels were leaking into the bladder giving me an infection.

I am not saying you have that but what I mean is it could be a simple bladder infection. Mine, however, did not stop at night - I was up all night with it as well so that is why I say I don't think it is sinister.

23-11-09, 17:46
Brian, it's so hard to say where anxiety comes from, where it goes and why it seems to come back. It could have been the smallest thing that set it off without you even realising. If it continues or gets worse you should see your doctor to put your mind at rest and make sure it's nothing more than anxiety. But as Nicola said, if was something more sinister it would be a continual thing, not at certain times.

24-11-09, 07:18
[QUOTE=nomorepanic;579091]Sometimes we don't know we are stressed as we don't feel it.

Is Stress and Anxiety the same thing then??

This website tells us that no matter how uncomfortable the symptoms of anxiety are, they are not dangerous and not life threatning!!!

However it is a known fact that to much Stress is definately not good for our health !!!!

24-11-09, 08:21
Hi there

I have irritable bladder syndrome, for months they thought I was getting water infections, but the test results would always come back clear.

I am on medication now to try and get my bladder to 'behave'. I have to get up in the night, early morning.

And I go umpteen times a day!

I know how your feeling :-0
