View Full Version : Me :-(

23-11-09, 17:23
Ohhh where do I start? well I suppose an introduction would be handy.
Well my name is Leanne and I am 28, I have lived with anxiety, OCD and panick attacks since the age of 15. When I look back I had a fab childhood but my mum and her mum both suffered with their nerves and when I was 9 my mum had a very hard nervous breakdown, thinking back this seems to be the trigger of my problems.

I have severe health anxiety and I actually found this site when Googling my latest Cancer scare :)

I have been on Sertraline for many years now and have had numerous sessions of CBT and counselling, all of which have done me nooooo good at all :-(
I have two small children now and the time has come for me to battle this horrible illness for fear of passing it on to them.

Currently I am finding life really hard, due to some blood tests that was slightly abnormal and night sweats I have sufferd with since giving birth to my son last November. I did the stupid thing of googling my symptoms and it came back with many diff' problems but off course I only seen the word CANCER!!!!!

I am hoping that the new set off bloods I had done today come back normal so maybe I can put this problem on the back burner.
I have realised I need help with the Health Anxiety orr the next time I have something wrong with me I will be in the same emotional wreck I am in at the moment.

Anyway enough ranting now lol, I have really enjoyed reading other peoples stories on here and realised I am not the only person in this world with this horrific illness.


23-11-09, 17:24
Hi leigh0911

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-11-09, 17:26
sorry to hear your going through a tough time you will get lots of help on this site ,,we are all in the same boat

23-11-09, 17:44
thanks xx