View Full Version : dread just getting through each day

23-11-09, 18:33
Does anyone just have a deep sense of dread every day about how they are going to feel and how they will get through the day? Sometimes I feel so bad I could just curl up in a ball and not wake up. Sorry if this is depressing but I am struggling at the moment - and feel so salone with all this.

I would appreciate replies.


23-11-09, 18:42
you are not alone jo Im sure lots of us on here feel the same I certainly do I can go to bed feeling fine and wake up with that dread of the day it was so bad today i couldnt go to work so you are not alone Im having CBT sessions at the moment which help a bit are you taking any medication? take care

23-11-09, 21:25
Hi Jo

I understand how your feeling and I think this is a common symptom of depression and anxiety. I have had this myself for 2 months and then it got better, still happens occasionally and I empathise with you as it isn't pleasant.

You need to talk to people e.g GP, family and friends (if you can), there are helplines you can phone, talk to as many people as you can - both professional and people you trust and maybe try some medication, both these methods together will have you feeling better in no time, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Please have hope, I know it is difficult whilst you are feeling this way and you can not see a light at the end of the tunnel, there is one believe me!!

** Also see your GP for a medical just to make sure you have no underlying physical problem which is causing your symptoms.

Wishing you well
Helen xx

25-11-09, 22:26
Oh for sure Jo.I'm feeling this at the moment,I'm beginning to despise the dawn as much as your average vampire!! I'm a carer for my wife who isn't able to be up until sometimes 2 or 3pm in the afternoon.After I see my 10 year old daughter out the front door to school,I now go back to bed just to try and make the day shorter??Then I get up mid-morning,struggle to the local shop....force myself to take the dog for a walk and then spend the rest of the day hiding in the house.I then find sanctuary in the evenings.So please believe me,you are not alone.Hang in there ok?Things WILL get better.Please pm me if you would like to ok?

Hugs, Fishy xx

26-11-09, 02:19
Yep many many days.. But I force myself..