View Full Version : Had my swine flu vaccine today

23-11-09, 18:36
I had my swine flu vaccine this afternoon and at the moment I have not experienced any side effects. I did experience terrible anxiety before I went in. The traffic was particularily bad in our area and I had to cross from my place of work to the doctors surgery. It is a long time since I have felt such anxiety and I had to concentrateon my breathing to get through it. Now it is done I feel fine. Maybe it is because of all the build in the press the take up of the vaccine and sadly the few people who have died after taking the vaccine. Has anybody else felt anxiety before having the vaccine?

margaret jones
23-11-09, 20:15
Hi Elizabeth

Re Swine flu I had the flu vaccine and i was so anxious before i went in i nearly walked , but i did it and was fine no side effects only a bit of a red arm

Take Care Margaret

23-11-09, 20:53
hi dont worry, ive had mine arm felt sore was all, some people have a slight temp but its nothing to worry about. xxx

24-11-09, 06:22
Yes I have had anxiety before the vaccine so I decided not to get it.. Also some people develop the flu after getting the vaccine so I chickened out, but im sure you will be ok take care best wishes and good for you .. to have the courage to do that..

sarah jayne
24-11-09, 09:32
well done for having the courage to go through with it x

24-11-09, 09:40
Hi just agreed to have my swine flu inj, it was offered so thought id have as precaution, not the injection bothering me just concerned if any side effects, gud to hear these comments, i had to make a decision and go with it and hope it ok.
thanks steve

25-11-09, 03:29
I had the injection today... I feel very tired and a little out of it. I have heard that this is normal. Its funny that the same things make us all anxious... I was SOOOOOOOOOOOO flippin anxious about it. The nurse kept telling me to relax because it doesnt hurt, she totally could not understand that I was afraid of side effects, not the actual needle!!! In the end I decided that I was more afraid of Swine flu than I was of the vaccine.

29-11-09, 22:53
Also some people develop the flu after getting the vaccine.

That's not actually possible, they don't give you live virus. You might get slight flu-like symptoms, but you can't get the flu from the vaccine.