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23-11-09, 19:05
Hi im Lindsay and im 27.I have been suffering from health anxiety since july of this year.It has taken over my life and im scared of everything.My 8 year old daughter was hospitalised with tonsillitis as she was very poorly and i believe my illness has stemmed from this and she woke up this morning with it again and i just went to bits.I have visited the doctors numerous times and have been given all sorts of medication from mild anti depressants to beta blockers for my chest pains.Iam currently on a waiting list for counselling.I just want a normal life again:weep:xxx

23-11-09, 19:06
Hi Linzilollipop

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-11-09, 19:12
hi welcome to NMP this is a really good site and you can find help here and new friends I too worry about my sons healh.... if he coughs my mind goes into overdrive Im sure the counselling will help
good luck take care x deb

23-11-09, 19:40
Thanks Deb,All my friends and family dont understand they just think im crazy.Its nice to know there are people who do understand what im going through.xx:)

23-11-09, 20:02
hey there hope your ok? i know what ur feeling. i feel like no one i know understands why i panic attacks they think am acting it.its good to know am not alone.
hey it was nice to meet you :)

23-11-09, 20:03
I dont tell my family I try my hardest to hide my anxiety If it gets too bad I stay in Work is the hardest you are definatly not alone pm me if you feel alone xx

23-11-09, 20:22
Thankyou for all being so nice.I know what i think is irrational and i know it sounds silly to others but i cant help the way i feel.My colleagues just laugh when i run when people sneeze or cough and i carry anti bacterial hand gels with me all of the time.I even make my little girl use one and have her take one school and the last thing i want is to make her a nervous wreck too.My partner works away monday to Friday so i lie in an empty bed wondering if im going to die in my sleep and when my alarm goes off in the morning its a relief to still be alive,When he comes back home Fridays i just break down and this causes problems as he doesnt undersstand he just thinks im being silly.I cant wait for a day where i can be as carefree as i was.xxx

23-11-09, 20:22
hey there thanks :) just sent you a wee msg. hey am here for you too :) x

23-11-09, 20:40
Thanks hun,This site really helps!Hope we all feel better soon.xx

23-11-09, 20:44
we can all help eachother out and well all get though it :) no problem wanna try and help x

24-11-09, 06:26
Hi and welcome to NMP.. You are in among good company here. Hope that you will be feeling better soon and we all are here for you .. Michael