View Full Version : Interesting reading

14-11-05, 13:56
Most people who have read my posts are aware that I am going down the road of having my amalgam (mercury) fillings removed as someone pointed out that this could be one of the roots to my depression anxiety. I have been doing a load of research on this subject and have come across a load of information that makes me even more convinced that this may be the cause. I have worked with computers for over ten years and was always baffled with these zaps that I kept getting in my mouth. I think I may have found the cause. Take a look at this article that I found on the web today.



I know anxiety and depression for most people can be caused by a lot of other things so I apologise to those for keeping on about this. I just think that it does make some interesting reading.

14-11-05, 14:14
No need to apologise at all.

Its all interesting stuff and it is all welcome.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-11-05, 15:10
Meg is right this site is to air your veiws and if we didnt all go on about our feeling etc how could others get comfort from hearing from others with similar problems. Take care and hope it helps you, Vernon

14-11-05, 18:32
Hey it may help someone else too so thanks for the links.


15-11-05, 15:50
I was just thinking, would it be possible for anyone that as a mercury/silver filling and suffers from anxiety/depression to post here and let me know how many fillings they have???? Thanks.