View Full Version : Just dont feel right ?

23-11-09, 20:11
Hi just wondering, does anyone else ever experience this, when you just dont feel right and you are sure there is something wrong but dont know what. I seem to be getting that a lot lately, no really symptoms i.e. pain or anything, just this overwhelming feeling that something is right with me ?

Any thoughts appreciated.

23-11-09, 23:52
Yes Its called anxiety. I have had these feelings off and on all my life and just posted about some in the past week. Sometimes I can't put my finger on it but something just doesn't feel right..

24-11-09, 21:26
I have been feeling this so much recently and only in the last few days have things really improved. Honestly, it is anxiety and in my case being irrational.

25-11-09, 03:51
I would have to agree that it is anxiety. I get that feeling when I haven't been sleeping well and my brain chemistry gets out of wack and before you know it I am freaking out if I don't get some rest and do something to relax. For me a good couple of nights sleep and some vigorous exercise help immensely. Good luck