View Full Version : Dehydration

14-11-05, 14:51
I've noticed that if i dont' drink enough water during the day that my anxiety starts to creep up. Anybody else found this??

14-11-05, 15:16
Hi D...

Yes i totally find this.

All i drink now is water - nothing AT ALL!

I have a full galss in the morning, and then a small bit of orange juice with breakie...then i constatly drink water all through the day.

Tatty B xx

14-11-05, 15:34
Hey D,

absolutely dehydration is terrible for anxiety, its like when you have a hangover panic and anxiety is always much worse, i have a lucosade crutch im afraid i live on it, i have been drinking again a fair bit so that just makes it worse

love mads xxxx

14-11-05, 15:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hey D,

absolutely dehydration is terrible for anxiety, its like when you have a hangover panic and anxiety is always much worse, i have a lucosade crutch im afraid i live on it, i have been drinking again a fair bit so that just makes it worse

love mads xxxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Madwoman - 14 November 2005 : 15:34:15</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

is lucozade wise for panics? i thought it had caffeine in it?

I tend to stay away from all things with caffeine in it

14-11-05, 15:48
I always have it, Lucozade rehydrates you quickly and gets your blood sugar levels up fast.

a quick fix but it works for me, probably all in my mind

love mads xxx

14-11-05, 17:34
Hi All
I read an interesting thing the other day about anxiety and depression; it said that dehydration can make depression and anxiety worse.

I drink loads, mainly water and flavoured sparkling water. Mind you it could be my med Citalapram. However drinking water is very very good for you anyway.

Lots of love

Y Goble

14-11-05, 17:40
I've certainly found that keeping hydrated certainly helps, I only drink water at work and most of the time at home. Hangovers were really bad for me due to the dehydration, so I cut alcohol out, have the occasional drink or two but it is literally 1 or 2. Since I kept drinking lots of water I have felt a lot better.

14-11-05, 18:30
I cant go anywhere without water, i have one coffee with 2 sugars when i wake up, i keep 3 bottles of water in the car incase i get stranded/lose my breath at traffic lights and then drink water all day from the filter machine at work.

I definitely suffer more at weekends when i hardly touch a drop.

I find water helps me breathe :-)