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23-11-09, 22:53
really embarrasing question to have to ask, my doctor said i had stomach pain because of my anxiety. the problem is i also have dysperania deep pain during intercourse sorry if i am embarasing anyone just need to ask other anxiety sufferers i have had every test imaginable and they are all clear the only thing that has not been ruled out is endometriosis but it involves surgery and that just adds to my anxiety. curious to know if anyone else with anxiety and stomach problems experiences pain during intercourse. sorry to be so blunt. would be gratefull for any feedback. xx

23-11-09, 22:55
To be honest I don't know but then again anxiety can cause so many different symptoms it is possibly to blame.. At least the drs are checking all possibles for you. Can endometriosis not be found with scans etc? it seems a bit extreme having surgery if they do not even know if there is a problem there. Have you had a scan to check for uterine fibroids?? i have a large one and although it doesn't bother me I know for some it can cause pain during sex. Hope you get it sorted soon.

Mand x

23-11-09, 23:22
Hi Lc - I had endremetrosis one of the many many symptoms is painful sex. There are a few proceedures which can be done to either rule out or diagnose this condition. If the problem persists as your doc to refer you to a gynae - there are different medications which can be prescribed to help if this be the problem - Should you wish to contact me about anything - please feel free. :hugs:

Hope you are feeling better soon

23-11-09, 23:39
Hi there, sorry to hear about your problems huni. Its that time of year again for me to have a smear test and I have actually been having some discomfort during sex....but I have it on and off sometimes. not so much a pain but discomfort around my lower abdomen during sex. But I will come on here tomorrow and let you know what was said in case it might help u in some way

Hope u feel better


24-11-09, 14:44
I suffer with anxiety, nervous tummy and IBS. I too get this pain during and after sex (sometimes it can linger for days :weep:)

24-11-09, 16:47

Went to the docs for my routine smear and just asked about the discomfort I have been feeling. They said any infection could be detected on the swab...but Ive had this discomfort for years and never had any infections or anything. She just said if it gets very bad to go to the GP, but to be honest it never gets too bad with me to need to do that. I hope yours gets better


24-11-09, 17:16
could the deep pain be caused by anxiety??
does it only hurt when you have sex? or would it hurt too if you inserted a finger? sorry If I'm being too crude :)
The only thing I have to compare is, sometimes I get a cramping pain when I orgasm, so sometimes that can make the whole experience uncomfortable.
sorry to hear you suffer from pain, sex should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
I really hope you find some cure for it :-)
maybe even try herbal remedies? or accupuncture could help, no harm i giving it a try :)

24-11-09, 23:56
thanks for the feedback, answer to mishel just penetration painful, and demac i have seen a gynae for two years and the last option is a laprascopy but the thought of an anaesetic is a no no think that is what prob caused my breakdown was booked in twice and couldn,t go through with it. at this point didnt know anxiety was present now it is obvious it was i was on omeprazole for stomach discomfort doc said it was me constantly tense through the anxiety just thought there may have been other sufferers of the same symptoms so i could see if it was the endo or just anxiosness answer to mandyclare i have had swabs smears urine blood scans on and up that have revealed nothing,it makes you think can it be i my head.lol thanks everyone again xx