View Full Version : Am I Doomed To A Life Of Sitting Like A Zombie or Being Comatose?

23-11-09, 23:01
My wife has been monitoring my blood pressure and the averages have been just slightly above normal. Not so bad for a person that smokes I suppose.

When we were at the doctors, my blood pressure was high by all standards but I had sit and waited freaking out for over 2 hours and then marched into a exam room still half standing and my pressure was high because I was stressed and almost still moving.

The nurse was telling me the whole time that she was sure I had high blood pressure and it made me more stressed thus causing my pressure to go up.

I have found that if you move around before your bp test your pressure is going to go up 10 to 20 points sometimes on both sides especially when you are stressed but if you just relax and think of something pleasant then it goes back down to normal and then you have a good reading..

I started thinking yesterday and got a little scared because it was up first reading but I had just finished eating and drinking a cup of coffee and had gone to the bathroom.. It was up just slightly . It scared me so bad that the next two readings were even higher. I stopped at that point and waited for about an hour relaxed and she took them again.

The first one was a little high , I didn't panic and then relaxed even more and the next two dropped and dropped down to almost normal.. or for me pretty normal. As I sat yesterday afternoon. I wondered if that was what the doctor had thought I had really high pressure.

I also thought my pressure does go high when im up moving around and doing things are stressed,but is that any reason to stop doing things.?

I didn't feel good yesterday and my sinuses were bothering me and I felt a little conjestion in the chest as well. I woke not feeling well so think this added a few points.

Now im wondering if Im cursed to a life of just sitting still and blanking m mind and not moving any more than I can and not smoking not having anything sweet and just more or less being a vegetable. I keep asking my wife if I have high blood pressure and she says no..

She said your averages puts you just a few points above what is considered normal.. But im now afraid that If I do the things I used to it might go really high. I don't want to take a higher med because I really don't think I need it .It makes me tired and kills my sexual desire and also makes me have bad dreams.. I remember I have done so many stressful things and worked really hard with my heart pounding and gotten tired but didn't have a stroke or anything. I have gone out and had fun and not worried and nothing happen..

Why now that I know what can happen im scared to do anything? I don't want to live this way. What about people that have worked hard all their lives and have high blood pressure , should they just cease to do anything?

Its a good thing I didn't know that much about blood pressure when I was in my 20's and 30's . I would have been in a home by now refusing to do anything but sit still and stare straight ahead.

I wish I had never gone to the doctor now.She scared the life out of me literally. Before I went there and freaked in her office I didn't feel that ba nor did I think about blood pressure.,.Now IM doomed doomed to sit and stare endlessly and have no life at all worrying about what can happen..

Its just not fair. Anyone else feel this way ?

24-11-09, 00:45
I think you're going to have to find a way, or assistance from someone to get you to begin to NOT think about your BP at all. That's the only way you'll be free of it and lead a normal life. Thinking about it and worrying about it all the time will make it go up whereas if you got out and about more often and didn't even think about it, it would be much lower. The worry about health problems usually causes health problems.