View Full Version : terrified of nausea

23-11-09, 23:08
Hello, my name is Sarah, I'm 67 and have developed a great fear of nausea as I can't control it. It comes just out of the blue. It's horrible. I've had "stomach" problems all my life -take gaviscon and omeprizole a lot - but this nausea is just about ruining my life. I'm sure I have cancer. This is driving my daughter mad. We were at the hospital last night until 2am before I saw a doctor.Before I went my stools were thin pencil-shaped ones and as soon as I arrived there I had to go to the loo again, this time explosive tiny yellow finger-shaped ones. My anti-nausea medications didn't really work. I've had 6 children so I know what nausea is like. This is much worse. Last week I had a small vaginal bleed and am booked to go for a quick 2 week max hysteroscopy. What with that and my nausea I've convinced myself it's cancer and I'm too far gone for treatment. Tonight I had a really bad headache - probably because I'm too scared to eat - and now I keep thinking the cancer has reached my brain. I'm terrible, aren't I? But to me it's real. To others I'm paranoid. I keep reading on various sites that people have only been discovered with terminal cancer through a chance bowel endoscopy and how nothing is working to control their nausea. How awful that must be - just to lie there and feel terribly sick day in day out. Today I've been prescribed Cyclizine which does amazingly seem to be helping. So just wondering if anyone else on here has nausea a lot and has devised a way to get it to go away. I'm not actually sick :bighug1:- just feel it. Thanks, Sarah

24-11-09, 02:36
Hi Sarah. Im terrified of nausea/vomiting too. I am prescribed Maxalon which definatly works for me. Also the usual, peppermint seems to ease very mild nausea.
Working on your diet, eliminating foods that seem to upset your stomach. A lot of the time I have no appetite and am too scared to eat but sometimes just a piece of plain toast will help...

I know we all do it, we self diagnose. We read through sites and think my symptoms fit that - i must have cancer. But we really need to stop. Its not healthy, just causes more anxiety. Im glad your seeing your doctor and that the cyclizine is working. Get the doctor to do all the tests he/she can. That way when the results come back, your doctor will be able to reassure you that nothing is wrong.

I hope everything works out well for you... Ifyou need to talk just pm me.
