View Full Version : Shall i step up to 30mg?

24-11-09, 06:59
hi all,

this is my 1st thread but this site has helped me so bloody much over the past 3 months. I've had hideous anxiety for approx 15 years and i'm only 33!!it got so bad that i simply stopped functioning and i was being sick every few minutes everyday for a year and a half. I lost so much weight i thought it was game over.
The doc kept telling me it was anxiety but it was so severe, i really thought it was something terminal (i'm sure there's plenty of you who can empathize!!)
I started on Citalopram (10mg),then stepped up to 20. God the side effects are just awful but this site proper chilled me out about them. It's hard to describe how, but now i feel my life comiung back. I'm eating better, not being sick,going down the footie etc. Isn't it wierd how the med creeps up to start working-almost without you realizing.
Could anyone tell me if i should step up to 30mg? I feel so good on 20mg but am getting addicted and excited about the thought of being 100% again.
By the way-if anyone's worried about this med, please read this when youi're feeling low. I promise you all i was so poorly and went through everything you're going through but stick with it. God it's worth it.
!!Take it easy everyone

24-11-09, 08:54
Hiya richie

If you as you say you are starting to feel so good,why on earth would you want to up your medication?

I have been on these tabs 5yrs ago and yes they do take the edge off but they dont cure,they help the symtoms you are feeling.


24-11-09, 10:21
How long have you been on 20mg?

I'm on 20mg and doing well - good days and less good days - but I have no desire to up my dose again because I need to do the hard work myself if I'm ever going to have the confidence to come off them.

I'd say if you're feeling good on 20mg, stick with them. Life isn't perfect every day for anyone, even those without anxiety.
Have you sussed out what causes your anxiety? are you having any kind of therapy/ self-help?

I really see meds as a sticking plaster to stem the bleeding, while you get to work on healing the wound underneath.:)

Well done for sticking it out - you sound like you've had a rough time in the past.:hugs: