View Full Version : Does this just happen to me ?

14-11-05, 16:36
From time to time when my Anxiety is high and i go to bed to relax or at night to sleep i have a sensation that i'm not touching the bed and the "floaty" feeling and nothing inside me just floating in space unattached. has anybody felt any of this and can it "just " be an overload of stress/anxiety. Its so distressing . Suzuki

14-11-05, 16:50
Hi Sue,

Yeah sometimes i get that feeling.

I think you are just thinking about it all and picking up on everything, I know it's tough to not focus on it and get worried but try not to get so worried about it all.

x x x


Sue K with 5
14-11-05, 16:54
Hi ya

This is called transition apparently its something to do with your body being in between awake and conscious ! and because your an anxiety sufferer you will notice it morte because we tend not to shut down like other do

Dont worry its going to be fine

Sue with 5 you know where I am if you want to talk


14-11-05, 18:09
Good expanation Susan I didnt think of it that way but makes so much sence thanks