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View Full Version : Sleep Problem, a little worried

24-11-09, 08:25
Hey all

I'm a little worried about whats happening now when I fall asleep. I get body jolts which I know are anxiety related, and I get restless leg syndrome (which I actually bring on myself because I'm always moving my legs around!) they don't bother me as such. The thing thats bothering me is that for last few days or so, I've had this thing where it feels like i'm about to faint, pass out or fall into some sort of coma, and immediately I wake myself up. This usually happens as I'm about to dose off. Last night it happened, just like an instant drop and I woke myself up, and I remember making this noise with my nose too, just like a squeak lol

It's not a vertigo type sensation as I don't feel like i'm falling, just more like i'm about to pass out or faint. Does anyone else get this?

24-11-09, 08:59
all your problems are anxiety's related ,,its not nice ,,could you read or listen to music ,with head set ,if your mind can relax a lot of these feelings will stop ,,ps sounds like you might have little mouse in there lol

30-12-09, 23:49
I also have that same issue, rjb. I cannot fall asleep on my own without feeling faint just as I drift off. I have to take half an Ambien to put me over the edge. I have had a pulse oximeter test and a holter monitor and in my case it seems that my heart slows down and my o2 drops down to about 85%. Once im asleep I dont notice it much and I wake up in the middle of the nite and can fall asleep again. I dont sleep well and wake up feeling crappy, I have 1 good day out of 10. I have sleep apnea and also cannot sleep with my cpap either. Dr gave me an o2 concentrator which seems to help. I have it in another room on a long hose so I dont hear it. This is truly the pits. Im waiting to get into the cardio doc now also.

andrea thompson
31-12-09, 00:10
hiya hon
recently i was finding couldnt go to sleep used to get a big buzz in my ear that woke me up.. it was horrible but it was smptom of the stress and anxiety.. i have had other anxiety aswell so gone back on anti depressents.. and gradually i have begun to relax and no more sleep problems.

take care

i hope you feel better soon

andrea x x

31-12-09, 00:12
Same sort of stuff here, tho a friend once said to me, " oh yeah, a cosmic fade out "

Thats how I think of it now, 'its all in the mind' !

31-12-09, 12:44
I have this every night and if I wake up in the night - I have to get up as I feel so weak and faint.

31-12-09, 16:02
I get this too, definitely anxiety related as the odd night when I am not as anxious I don't get it. xx

31-12-09, 18:38
Last night, I got about 4 hours sleep after taking half an Ambien. Before that and after that time, whenever I just start to drift off to sleep, I get the head rushes and I catch my breath up. Went on the couch and laid like that till 7, went back to bed and went thru that till just now when I got up and got on the comp. Only a sleeping pill can get me past that. Wish I knew more or what to do. Im like a dead man..

31-12-09, 18:57
Sounds awful. I have tried relaxation tapes which do work sometimes...but sometimes I am relaxed when going to bed and sleep then in the night like you my body jolts

31-12-09, 19:01
Yeah. And I pick up my Blackberry and start googling and work myself all up with diseases I dont have! A vicious circle I am in. Tonight when we come home from church, it will be an Ambien CR and cpap. I was started on Zoloft yesterday (25mg). Maybe that will brighten me up outta the pits!

31-12-09, 19:06

When we fall asleep, our bodies go into paralysis which is often why we jolt like we're falling. This is more than likely what your feeling - the paralysis setting in before your unconscious - hence why from time to time we think we;re falling through the bed. This is there to stop us running about when we dream! It's a defence mechanism but I find it a bit wierd if I am listening to a hypnosis CD and I feel it when I am 'with it'...

It's all OK..

31-12-09, 19:09
Maybe.. But I have been tested and I know my heart rate drops along with my blood O2 down to around 85%.. I do know that much..:ohmy:

31-12-09, 20:31
Is there anything that they can do? Is it dangerous - excuse my naivity. x

31-12-09, 21:25
Is there anything that they can do? Is it dangerous - excuse my naivity. x
I really dunno. I may be a candidate for a pacemaker, hope to see the cardio before long. I do know that I do sleep (w/pill) and I don't drop dead, so... I also have read that head rushes wont kill you, you wont stop breathing cuz its automatic and ectopic beats that I also have, wont kill either. The majority of my probs are caused by being a Type-A person, Just retired a year ago from a high stress job, and have too much time on my hands. Plus I have Health Anxiety as I had a triple bypass 15 years ago and I worry too much. And the funniest thing of all (as my wonderful wife keeps drilling into my head), is I really have nothing to worry about! Go figger...:huh:

01-01-10, 10:33
I know how u feel. My doc hatold me over and over my temple headaches are tension from my anxiety and once we sort it they will go. She's been saying this for 6 months. I had CT scan after a trip down the stairs so I know there is nothing wrong - just would be nice not to have a HA. Have neuro app in Feb but they will just give me more meds with SE's - ARGH. It's never ending isn't it. x

02-01-10, 23:34
I try to ignore the jolts and falling down sensations as much as I can. I used small dose of antidepressant for about 5 months and i quit it when i was feeling very fine with the psychiatrist agreeing about quitting. Everything started again 2 months after quitting the drug. Since then I feel like I am dying all the time. For about 4 months. Nevertheless I dont want to start medication again

03-01-10, 17:27
Do you mean brain zaps - often associated with discontinuation syndrome? They should have passed by now...