View Full Version : High blood pressure

24-11-09, 12:11
Today I went to the doctors and I was really nervous because I knew they were going to take my blood pressure because I was going for a contraceptive pill and they always take it for something like that.

Anyway I hate having my blood pressure taken. It's always high and my pulse races so much if I go to the doctors or the clinic.

Today my blood pressure reading was 160/90. The doctor says its fine and shes sure its because of nerves because my pulse rate was so fast aswell but I am still worrying and thinking what if there is something wrong with me!
It doesn't help that because I was so nervous when I was thinking about the doctors last night and this morning I started getting little pains in my chest and I am thinking the pains and high blood pressure are linked even though it really is probably anxiety.

Does anyone else have this same problem??

Thanks in advance x

24-11-09, 12:51

i am the same as you, i am really phobic about getting my bp taken, just the thought of it makes me feel ill.
a few years ago i got my own home machine because it was always high at the doctors, sometimes it was ok and other times it was high, but like you , usually with a fast pulse, i got pretty obsessive about it and ended making myself sick with worry about it, so after a chat with my practice nurse i put my machine away, i know i will have to tackle this at some point, but be guided by your doctor.
I know this isnt really helpful, as it doesnt take it away, but you are definately not alone with this.
its not just my bp i have a problem with, while at the hospital a few weeks ago for a minor procedure( but hey thats another story)they agreed not to do my bp, but i couldnt even tolerate the pulseometer on my finger, and ended up taking it off and forcefully handing it back!!!! they understood but i just feel such a fool.

P x

24-11-09, 16:10
Hello, thank you for replying :)

I'm glad theres other people who are the same as me even though I would rather no one suffered with anxiety but it helps to have people who understand what you are going through.

I wouldn't have been able to buy a home blood pressure monitor, I too would become completely obsessed with it!!

I know where my fear comes from. When I was pregnant with my son (4 years ago) I was fine with the blood pressure being taken at first but then they told me something might be wrong with my son and left me waiting to find out for 2 weeks. When I went back to the hospital they told me that my son was infact fine but they took my blood pressure after 2 weeks off stress and obviously it was quite high!
So ever since when I have it taken I feel so panicky because I just know it will be high! It really has developed into almost a phobia I guess.

I understand about the pulse thing aswell, I really do!! xx

24-11-09, 23:31
Hi, I just wanted to say Im the same with the whole bp thing, mines is always up at the docs and he thinks its just anxiety however I am getting monitored at the moment, I couldnt have one for the house cos it would make me paranoid x x

25-11-09, 00:32
I know exactly how you feel.. I go to the doctors office ,they know im anxious ,they scare the beejees out of me and then send me off with a presciption that about kills me or makes me think im dying.. I call the doctor and fight to get my other low dose back and they say I have to buy a home monitor if I do that and give them the results every week..

God I hate this.. I would take a beating than measure blood pressure readings.So far mine has been just slightly over normal every reading so probably don't need the extra meds but I have report to them the results every week.. and that makes me anxious.. So I feel for you .. try to relax don't worry and take care > Michael