View Full Version : Blood on Stool

24-11-09, 12:46
This might have been going on longer but I only noticed last Thursday.

After I have been to the toilet there is a little bright red blood on the paper. On Sunday there was actually some on my stool as well. I have been the the toilet every day since Thursday and there has beena little blood every day.

Its not much and after 2-3 wipes its gone but it is causing me to panic quite a bit :unsure:

It does feel like i am a little constipated and it hurts a little bit as if there is a tear but Im not sure.

Has anyone ever had this before?

24-11-09, 12:52
could be piles....fresh blood is better than dark old blood..get checked sure u will be ok...:)

24-11-09, 13:38
agreed with trev.. sounds like piles or a small cut .. it doesnt sound like anything bad because its bright red which is external blood.. internal blood is darker.. if it continues mention it to the dr to get some cream or whatever he recommends.

dont worry

Mand x

24-11-09, 21:37
Thanks for your advice. Means a lot.

Im going to try and get an appintment with a doctor this week.

24-11-09, 21:47
[I][/You can buy Anusol cream from the chemists ,if its piles .Cheaper than a perscription ,Its very soothing and it will help it heal .. All the best SUE XI]