View Full Version : Birthday tomorrow 60

24-11-09, 13:05
Hi everyone,
It a big one tomorrow I'm 60
Two months ago when I dropped into this axiety and gloom, I would not have believed I would be here. When I saw the GP for help in September I could only imagine hospital or worse. But I have a good family around me and I have got this far.
My social phobia would prevent me from having a big celebration because it's the sort of thing I would avoid like the plague even though I would love it. Don't you hate the avoidance!
Thanks to nmp and for helping and supporting and I hope I will be able to
add positively to the forum.
I have plenty of issues but I'm fairly fit and healthy and have plenty more to enjoy, if only the "black dog" would p*** off.
Thanks again :)

24-11-09, 13:28
Hi Steve

Ah you're just a young pup hun :D
Remember it's not how you celebrate or where you celebrate but who you celebrate with. If you have your family and friends with you, i am quite sure you will have a very special day.

I hope you have a lovely time


24-11-09, 23:31

Hope you enjoy your day - whoever you are with! :hugs:

24-11-09, 23:35
Hi Steve, I hope you have a great birthday - and you know what they say - 60 is the new 50!!!

25-11-09, 00:13
Happy 60th Birthday, hope you have a great time xxx


25-11-09, 00:22
Happy birthday guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not far behind you and my father in law is 82 and still walks to town everyday . He goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him he has high blood pressure and he says to the doctor ,yep that is why I come here .The doctor gives him a prescription and he throws it away on his way home. So don't worry have a blast and keep on going.. Happy birthday again

Veronica H
25-11-09, 09:06
Happy Birthday Steve:birthday::bighug::birthday1:. Have a great day...age is but a number.


25-11-09, 09:22

25-11-09, 10:21
Happy happy birthday!! You will have a wonderful time with family. I prefer smaller celebrations to big ones, more time and great moments with those who love you.


25-11-09, 12:49
Hope you have a great Birthday!!!! xxx
Munkey x

25-11-09, 12:55
A huge happy brithday to you Steve I hope you have a fantastic day :birthday:

26-11-09, 03:28
How was your birthday Steve? Hope it turned out wonderful.. :)

26-11-09, 10:27
HAPPY BIRTHDAY:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

LUV KAZ X X X :hugs:

26-11-09, 10:47
Thanks everyone

Your birthday cards helped to make a potentional bad day into a good one:)

26-11-09, 11:03
Have a great day! Happy Birthday!