View Full Version : What can I do

24-11-09, 14:03
I came off my meds in June and since then have felt myself going down hill. 2 weeks ago doc put me on Escitalopram (cipralex). I feel absolutely awful. I was also put on anti biotics for Bronchitis ( I think I have lung cancer. Doc checked me last night, said to have another dose of anti biotics ) Would he of sent me for tests if worried about it? He didnt even say to go back?

I was also put on Amytriptylene 50mg yesterday, on the grounds of taking a 100mg tonight. I feel like a zombie today and totally depressed still. Has anyone got any advice.

Will bronchitis kill me? How long can a cough last for. I think my brain is working overtime
Will I get through this?
Would tablets of kicked in yet.

Im having the coil put back in, as he thinks it could be hormonal aswell.

Had a phone call from my cousin today, her mum died this morning.

I am so confused, does bronchitis make you feel ill

How do I slowly start to get out of this, as i dont want to do anything.

Its my husbands birthday tomorrow and my daughters 7th on Friday and I feel so bad cos i have no motivation

Please help me

24-11-09, 14:43
I had a "chest infection" at the beginning of 2008 that lasted from the 2nd January until the middle of March - FOUR lots of antibiotics.....wouldn't touch it!!!!

24-11-09, 17:34
I have just been back to the doctor, so that he could check my tablets are kicking in and for me to see a CPN to be referred on, which is all good. He said when I'm back hell check my chest again aswell, so now I'm panicking as I think he thinks there is something wrong. He said he would tell anyone to go back, and he is more concerned about my stableness rather than my chest. Why cant I relax now! :-(

25-11-09, 17:23
i now have a lump in my throat and indejestion. I cant get the doctors visit monday out of my head. Is this all anxiety and my irrational thinking?

25-11-09, 18:53
Deaqr Emma Jane I have asthma and suffer with my chest. Having brionchitis will make you feel 'fluey ' and generally unwell and low. You might feel exhausted and want to rest in bed. Whilst your body is fighting this infection you need to stop fighting the depression. Keep taking your meds. As you begin to feel physically better hopefully your mood will lift also. I don't think that you have lung cancer but when you are feeling so poorly from the coughing and the wheezing you'll imagine that it is so. If there is someone around who can look after you then so much the better. Stay calm relax and when you are feeling better tackle some of the other demons. Jane.

25-11-09, 19:21
hi Elizabeth

Thank you for replying, what worries me, is the doc who gave me the 2nd lot of antibiotics, which i started today, didnt mention me going back

Now this other doctor has said for me to go back next week. He hasnt even heard my chest, so i am paniking that he thinks something is wrong.

Im not as phlemy now and it is clearer. Im still wheezy though and my throat is gurgling/crackling.

26-11-09, 03:11
Can make you feel horrible Run high fever and just plain sux..I had it several times in my life and dread ever getting it again. Can make you generally feel terrible. I don't think its fatal but with any respiratory illness you have to be real careful. If you start having any idea that you are not feeling like you should, call your doctor and tell them what is going on.. just to be on the safe side. I hope you feel better real soon.. Its miserable I know but it will be ok..