View Full Version : Hello Newbie Here

24-11-09, 14:27
Hi all I'm John been suffering with panic attacks for about 8 months now had 4 ecg's c/t brain scan and chest xray's all normal.These attacks are getting harder to control and feel i may need to go on meds and i have muscle tension in my head,neck and chest all the time which can be scary and just feeds my anxiety,glad to be here tho and look forward to talking to you all.

24-11-09, 14:38
Hi jonnyboyy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-11-09, 14:53
Hi Jonny welcome to NMP:) there are alot of people on here with the same illness look at the threads they will help you understand what you are going through.

24-11-09, 18:35
:welcome: Johnny

I'm sure you'll find this site very helpful

All the best :)


24-11-09, 18:37
Hi Johnny.. i hate taking any tablets etc but for me Propranolol is a massive help so my advice would be to try meds because if they settle things down for you it's well worth it.

Glad you found the site

Mand x