View Full Version : Blergh, anxiety over back/leg pain.

24-11-09, 15:31
I considered myself over my anxiety and I am for the most part but when I experience something I cannot explain too easily I always go into a slight panic.

I recently stretched my back when getting out of bed, like Wednesday morning, and afterwards I could feel a sore pain in my lower back. Afterwards, I'm sitting scrunched up and comfy on the sofa watching TV when a sudden pain zaps my upper left thigh just below my buttock. I get up to walk to the kitchen but have to stop cause the pain was quite sore. It passed quick enough but since then I have had mild discomfort down the back of this thigh for the past week almost. A sort of burning sensation from time to time.

I immediately assume the worst, life on the line AHHH! Jumping out windows and stuff. Kidding, I was pretty cool about it.

I went to the doctors with it on Friday and he commented on hamstrings and the sciatic nerve. I looked into this and found pages of internet info, people describing the exact same pain in the exact some location. Which is bringing me comfort but my mind won't rest.

I went to the gym a couple times this week and its not getting worse, in fact I'd say better but I won't be happy till all feels perfectly fine again.

...and the worst of it is, whenever I go into panic mode my studies suffer and I fall behind, have am essay thats approaching a week late!


I need a technique to keep me focussed.

03-12-09, 05:39
It sounds like a sciatica pain. Have you seen your doc over it? Maybe getting it checked out will help ease your mind and help you focus on your studies. However if you are anything like me you will find something else to worry about. Although I dont always take my own advice, my husband tells me all the time that it is a huge waste of time worrying over things we cannot control. If something is going to happen it will whether we spend a day or two worrying over it or not. So spend that time and energy on positive thoughts.
Sometimes it takes redirecting what you are doing and do something else for awhile to try and get our minds off what is causing the worry. I too have been worried over pain in my leg that I have been having and I find if I am sitting trying to watch tv or read I cant keep my mind from worrying. I have found that exercise is a really good outlet.
Hope things get better!