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24-11-09, 15:41
I am so upset right now.

Well basically, im having issues with my partner.. to do with sexual intercourse. He keeps giving me water infections! He doesnt wash much at all, not only that but he doesnt wash down there! And im up all morning and night with a tense burning feeling and its making me vomit because it hurts so much. Im weak and tired and im in agony. Ive told him to wash himself, and wash down there too but he wont listen to me, he smells too. :( I didnt know where to post this so im sorry about this post but i need help with this, not only does he give me infections. Hes never been in a real relationship and sometimes he doesnt understand what he does wrong and it makes me so STRESSED and ILL , my anti depressents arent working anymore, im losing my mind i dont know what to do..



Please! Im Literally Begging.

Ruby x

24-11-09, 15:54
Dear Ruby no gentleman is worth all that pain. He doesn't sound much of a gentleman either! You could buy him some nice toiletries to encourage him to wash and some new underpants and refuse to have sex until he cleans up his act. I suggest that you both make an appointment at the GU clinic at your local hospital and be checked out for other sexual diseases. If he is commited to having a relationship with you then he will attend. If you are feeling depressed then please see your GP and discuss your concerns with him. Please look after yourself. Have the water infections been confirmed by your GP? You might need some antibiotics and refrain from sex until it clears up.

24-11-09, 16:16
i love think you should go to womens clinic to have a check up xxcx

24-11-09, 16:26
Dear Ruby I had no idea that you are so young. I suggest that you refrain from sex and go to the doctors without delay. Some areas have special walk in clinics for young people. Take care.

24-11-09, 16:33

You may love this chap but lets face it, he's putting your health at risk by passing on these infections.

If you want the complete truth here, I wouldn't go near him with a barge pole. Basic hygene doesn't cost anything more than a bar of soap and ten minutes in the bathroom twice per day.

he sounds like a right bum to me (sorry)


24-11-09, 16:43
Ruby, a bladder infection is nothing to fool around with. You need antibiotics NOW...it can go to your kidneys. Very serious. As far as your man, that's inconsiderate and disgusting. Doesn't he know anything about women's health, HIS health in general? I would dump him faster than I can say boo. Your life is at risk, no man is worth this. He doesn't care enough about you or himself to have good hygiene? Something is wrong with him, sorry...but your health comes first.

24-11-09, 17:21
It's is NOT ok the way he treats you!!!
It takes too seconds for him to wash.
you really should never ever let anyone cause you pain.
if you can tell him you will not have sex unless he washes.
also maybe gett an STD test. make sure he hasn't given you anything more serious.
also you may have a yeast infection that can cause burning durning and after sex.
you can get tablets and creams in the pharmacy for that.
for urinary tract infections go to pharmacy and ask for cranberry tables.
they help flush out the bacteria , they really work wonder's.
your body is yours and it's precious, it should never be hurt or abused, and he should respect that.

24-11-09, 17:37
Hi Ruby - what a horrible man!

Echoing what the other's have said go visit the STD clinic - No man is worth a risk to our health and this one doesn't seem to care. You have 2 options - Give him something back - as in the boot ur dumped and take this bar of soap with ya! or alternatively you could tell him unless his hygiene improves ur slapping a sex ban on him - Maybe not getting his nuptials will make him sit up and take notice.

Luv Dee xx :hugs:

24-11-09, 17:52
If he won't listen to you then there's no point hanging around arguing with him about it Ruby. Your priority is to get yourself better and not make yourself more upset. Perhaps you could say you just need a break rather than getting into a row over a break-up. And you never know, he may change his ways later. My advice would be to go to your GP and explain how you feel and that your medication isn't helping you.

24-11-09, 18:06
[I]You poor girl .your posts brought tear to my eyes ..s .[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"]This man has no respect for himself let alone anyone else .You deserve so much more .Your mental health is being affected as well as your physical health .Please go to your Dr and get checked out & tell him how very bad you are feeling at the moment .Nothing cant be changed and life will change ,but you have to take the right steps for that to happen .No one should put their health at risk for another .Take the good advice you have been offered here ,its a start to a new begining .YOU DERSEVE THAT .Hugs Sue :hugs:xxx

24-11-09, 20:32
Ruby, if you're still reading this...no offense to the person who posted to use cranberry tablets....but if you are in agony, it's too late for that. Cranberry helps the bladder surface so that bacteria doesn't stick to it but once you have pain and are in agony as you say, and burning, you need medical attention and a urine test. I hope by the time you read this that you have done this. Let us all know what happened, ok? I've had several urinary tract infections and they hurt like the devil...I just hope you catch it early. The antibiotics give relief within a day and there are pills that can numb the bladder discomfort right away. Please don't take them before having the urinalysis though as they make your urine orange and the test would not work properly.

25-11-09, 17:47
Sorry i havnt been able to reply to your replies although some of you do have strong opinions about my partner haha. Thats fine i suppose i certainly sometimes feel the same way but he is so kind and sweet to me but hes a bit slow on some things, hes always willing to compremise with me though and he got me cranberry juice and some powder stuff you put in water for the infection i also now have antibiotics. Ive decided to start using condoms with him and hes determing to wash as much as he can from now on. I think he just needed a push from me. Hes slowly learning. Apart from anything else i forgot to mention my lad is perfect <3

Thankyou for all your help :) MUCH APRCIATED!

Ruby xoxoxoxoxoxox

25-11-09, 19:21
Why won't he wash? I can't understand why anyone would have an aversion to washing and being clean.

When he refuses to wash is it a reasonable excuse he gives? Are you convinced with his simple 'no' response or does he have a 'valid' reason?

Is there a part of you that thinks he is doing this as an indirect insult to you? It's technically a form of physical abuse by subjecting you to repeated infections.

Are you convinced that he doesn't know that he harbours these infections and that he's unaware he is spreading the painful infections onto you? I think I would have very little patience with this man because he seems vindictive.

25-11-09, 19:29
I really dont know .. i really dont hun :/

25-11-09, 19:39
Ruby im pleased to hear you have got some antibiotics .The decision to use condoms is a very good idea .Perhaps you could get in the habit of running him a bath and washing his hair and back ,make it a nightly or morning thing he will enjoy ,That way he will enjoy the experience and feel relaxed afterwards .Im glad he treats you well in other areas of your life and hope things improve for you soon .Look after your self LUV Sue xx:hugs:

25-11-09, 19:49
Nice idea Sue :) Thankyou will do