View Full Version : heart flutter and thump

24-11-09, 16:22
I sometimes get wakened during the night with a flutter in my chest and the my heart seems to give a big thump once or twice and then gets back to normal.Does anyone else have this? It doesnt happen every night but when it does I can't get back to sleep for worrying.I take a few deep breaths and it seems to settle,and most nights I am aware of it beating loudly in my ear. I have a condition called left Bundle Branch Block which is an electrical misfire but dont get any treatment or medication for it,but I will go back to my doctor and tell him about this as I am getting a bit worried about it now. I may add that I am usually stressed and anxious about something,whether its the weather or the family Everything is a worry to me.

24-11-09, 17:06
Hi Crystal

Don't tell me, it's like being in a lift that stops suddenly, the flutter? ;)

It's just ectopics, I get them now and again (funny enough, had one in the gym today, still scares the you know what out of me).

If you are worried get reassurance from your GP. But trust me, almost all the time they are benign and very very common.

When I was at my most anxious, they would almost make me dizzy that I had to sit down.

As for hearing in your ear, that's down to a little of the anxiety causing chemicals whizzing around your body, so you get that pounding sensation. But again, harmless :)



24-11-09, 17:06

I'd see the doctor about it but it's more than likely ectopic beats caused by stress and lots of us have them. They're a nuisance but harmless. You'll probably get an ecg and this will reassure you.
Myra x

24-11-09, 22:22
Thanks for replying I am going to see the doctor anyway and see what he says.Anything to do with the heart makes people panic,and when I am asleep and not thinking of it,and it wakens me up by fluttering very fast and then giving a couple of big thumps,I lie here worrying for the rest of the night.

24-11-09, 22:34
If its happened I have had it. I woke this morning and it felt like my heart was vibrating..it seemed to be beating ok. Pulse was about 76 but I went back to sleep and it subsided..Im sure it has to do with anxiety .. I had a few really bad dreams lately .. and had two right before I woke.. Im sure its just anxiety with you but if you are worried please tell your doctor about it.. Michael

26-11-09, 13:45
As a further worry to the flutters and thumps,I also get night sweats. I don't actually sweat,I just feel as if I have a fever and have to throw the covers off. I waken up with my heart racing and feeling very hot and as if I have had a nightmare,although I can't remember what it was.I have to cool down most nights and have been having hot flashes during the day as well even though I am well past the menopause. I foolishly googled and if its not menopausal, it can be Heart,Thyroid or Cancer. I have read that on more than one site and have checked for symptoms of thyroid,but I don't seem to have any,although my Mum developed an underactive thyroid late on in life.Does anyone have any idea what these could be if its not the menopause? The flushes happen a couple of times a day,but don't seem to reach my face,it's more of a body flush and the same as the ones during the night.If I have a bad one during the night,that's when I waken with my heart racing and have to take deep breaths to slow it down . Last night my heart gave a big thump which is what woke me up. Even typing this,I am starting to panic as it sounds really bad.Hope someone can throw some light on this.

26-11-09, 14:31
Could easily be a thyroid problem as it's something they'd want to rule out with these 'palpitations' other than that I have no idea, be best to get a GP's advise on this one.

gina p
26-11-09, 18:36
I had this after the birth of my daughter 2 years ago and it turned out that I had an overactive thyroid . It is called postpartum thyroiditis cause by the immune system kicking back in after pregnancy . Mine went over the normal and then under as my thyroid got damaged in the process . Ask for a thyroid function test . Its very easy to treat whatever the result . I barely know I,m on medication as I have no symptoms at all and coming from a health anxious person that must be good . I had the heart sensations - a feeling of pressure from my abdomen to my head and then a hard thump of my heart . Turns out it was the extra thyroid hormones doing this .

26-11-09, 21:58
Thanks for replying about the thyroid I have looked up the symptoms,as my niece also has thyroid problems,so there is a family connection.I don't appear to have the tiredness,thinning hair ,unable to lose weight etc that seem to be the main symptoms.I will go and see the doctor with these flushes and palpitations and see what he/she thinks.If it is thyroid related,I will be relieved,as I know my Mum felt 100% better once she started on the tablets.
Thanks again

gina p
26-11-09, 22:03
I had no symptoms apart from the heart sensations and feeling flushed most of the time . x

26-11-09, 22:16
Oh I am so glad to hear that. I will go and ask for a test. Thanks for that bit of reassurance.

gina p
27-11-09, 07:53
you are very welcome . May turn out just to be anxiety but sounds like it could also be your thyroid . One thing as well is that if you have a thyroid issue then you are more likely to be anxious ???!! Dunno what causes that - its just something the consultant told me .