View Full Version : Introducing myself - anxiety problems

24-11-09, 16:46
I have to say I'm pretty nervous about posting anything but am desperate for help. I started suffering from physical symptoms of anxiety a few days ago and my GP recommended this website. My partner may be facing redundancy very shortly and since he told me, I have been in constant panic. We have a large mortgage, loan and some debt all of which we manage comfortably at the moment. However if he looses his job we will obviously struggle. I can't stop thinking of the worst case scenario where we loose everything and even though I know the worst could be some time away (we have income insurance and payment protection for 12 months) and I know we'd never be out on the street, I just can't stop thinking the worst. I can't eat much, although that's not a huge problem as I need to loose weight, obviously it's not a healthy way to live. I constantly feel sick, have an upset tummy and keep crying and shaking. I can't go on like this, I have a daughter and I don't want this to affect her. The rational part of me realises that nothing's happened yet and it may not even happen but no matter what I tell myself, I can't seem to change anything.

24-11-09, 16:48
Hi Bobbie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
24-11-09, 17:03
:welcome:Bobbie. You will find comfort and support here.


24-11-09, 17:31
Thank you all so much for your kind words, I really appreciate them

24-11-09, 17:37
Hi welcome to nmp everything will be fine there is so much help out there and we are all here for you. The chat room is a great way to communicate will us all.
Take care xx

24-11-09, 18:25
Sorry to hear about your partner's job you can join the chatrroms once 5 days in however I would suggest writing your worries/thoughts down so they are on paper and not going round and round your head and put rational responses to the outcomes if this happened what you would do etc. It might just help you feel more 'in control' of a situation which you still don't know the outcome of.

Take care and remember the worst case scenario has not happened yet.

24-11-09, 18:33
Hi there
go to the martin lewis website , theres a forum jutt like this that u can join and its all about , losin jobs , high mortgages , people stugling to cope with debt.
I joined last yr when i ran into trouble.Theres lots of help and advice and believe me it wont belong before you realise your not on yr own and most people are in the same boat !

24-11-09, 19:47
hi, lots of hugs and hope things get better for you.x:yesyes:

25-11-09, 13:29
Im a 29yr old female who is currently suffering with panic attacks, these attacks and feelings have recently come on the last 3 weeks and i feel like its ruin my life. I had been to A&E had ECGS, blood tests and everything is ok but i still do not feel 100%. My doctor prescribed me beta blockers which have helped with the racing of the heart and palpitations but i now want to come off them as i dont want to be taking medication. I stopped taking them yesterday and am feeling awful, the breathing is restricted and im getting the palpitations but im determined not to take the beta blockers. Does this last these feelings or will they pass? Also im going to try Hypnotherapy and was wondering if anyone else has tried this and it worked? Im going out of my mind with this horrible feelings :(

25-11-09, 15:42
I am so sorry to hear that you're feeling so awful. I can't comment on the beta blockers or heart palputations because I don't have those same symptoms so I may not be much help. For me the anxiety symptoms that I have are a sudden hot feeling spreading over me into the pit of my stomach, the nausea and upset tummy, not sleeping and not being able to eat, constantly feeling like my body is shaking and crying alot. Unfortunately they started on Thursday last week and have been with me pretty much most of the time. I have read some useful stuff on this website and am telling myself that although my symptoms aren't pleasant, they won't kill me so I just have to go with it. I am trying deep breathing exercises and trying to keep myself busy and I have talked to several members of my family and friends which is helping to keep some perspective on my situation.
Probably like you I just feel so helpless and want to feel 'normal' again. I'm sure in time this will happen.
Not much help for you I'm sure, but keep your chin up and know that there is a lot of help and support on this website.

26-11-09, 03:21
You will be fine.. Something will work itself out for you.. In my lifetime I have lost everything more than once only to regain it bigger and better.. so don't worry it will be fine.. Michael

26-11-09, 16:42
Thank you for your words of encouragement Michael, they've really helped as has your quote I will keep trying to remember it. Thanks xx