View Full Version : Ready to give up

24-11-09, 16:46
I've been on citalopram since the middle of sept. I started slowly....one week on 2.5 mg.....one week on 5mg etc.
I've been on 20mg for 3 weeks now. I do notice a slight difference in mood, but anxiety is no different, maybe even slightly worse. Motivation is zero, energy low.
Most people say it takes 6-8 weeks to start working. Is 6-8 weeks from when you first start it, or 6-8 weeks since your last dosage rise?

24-11-09, 17:26
I was on 10mg for 5 weeks, then 15mg for 3 weeks, and have now been on 20mg for 3 weeks.

The person I saw from the MHT last week said that anything lower than 20mg, they discount as it's considered sub-therapeutic (ie below an effective level), and that I should give it 6 weeks on 20mg before deciding if it's working for me.

24-11-09, 17:54
Its from your last dosage rise ..The anxiety will be worse for a while ,but it will lessen .It does get better believe me .Stick with it and you wont be dissapointed .Take care Sue xx:hugs: