View Full Version : Worried

24-11-09, 16:51
Hi haven't been on for a while but am concerned about cervical cancer. I have my smear test in a couple of weeks and I am worried about what the results are going to be. A few months back my periods started playing up and I was nearly a week early and my body is always regular. Even after having my son I went back to my normal cycle. Also, and I know that this sounds disgusting, but I have had some bleeding between my periods this too was a couple of months back. I did get this checked out. They done a swob which came back normal. I am really really scared of having this. Some part of me thinks 'come on girl pull yourself together' and then the other part starts to imagine how I am going to tell my husband that I have this cancer and that I am going to die - think I need so serious help with the big C every little thing I have is cancer and I am getting fed up with worry about it but I just can't help it. Anyone got any suggestions on how I can change my mental attitude towards this horrible decease????

Thanks for taking the time to read this.:scared10:

Cell block H fan
24-11-09, 16:59
I dont know really, as I am scared of the cervical thing like you now. I had treatment for abnormal cells in my early 20's (i'm nearly 39 now) and I have had 2 children and also had smears every year on average since, & they have all been fine. But its been 3 years now, & they wrote to me last week saying i'm due for another. I was told years ago I could go back to 3 yearly smears, but I opted to stay at yearly & they were fine with it, but I changed docs about a year ago & they obviously know I can have them 3 yearly, so they left me alone til now. But I'm dreading making the appointment now because I feel 3 years could mean anything! A lot could of happened, & the longer its been the worse it gets.
So ive put it off, but now they are sending reminders they mean business dont they!
All we can do is bite the bullet & go for the test & we will both heave a sigh of relief when we get the results I bet! Its just doing it isn't it. Its almost like if we go for the test its making it real??? I cant explain it, hopefully you know what I mean x