View Full Version : Why is life so hard?

24-11-09, 17:23
Why is it soo hard..well for me. Life seems so dead and and I have no sense of direction. I just feel hopeless.

I feel I should have an idea of where I am heading..I'm 21 at the moment. my love life is dormant..I try and try and try half the time I'm lucky to get any good conversation out a woman so I give up..it's not even clicking if the convo I make is not good enough and they give nothing back I'm hopeless. I'm struggling to find the words..I'm just one of these rare cases of bad luck. I use to be passionate about it but feel I'm being some old boring git. All I seem to do is stay in. Can't get friends to go to night clubs anymore...just can't get dates like I use too..

Two and a half years since my last long term relationship. I know any positive words here won't change it. I could be another two and a half years single for all I know. Same with work just had interview after interview and no job even when I've been in a job...I don't have any valuable friends I can relay on these days. I know this could all change tomorrow too..however I've been saying that every day.

With being soul destroyed that much I can barely find the motivation each day. All this stuff means alot to be the xbox has got boring. Watching films gets boring..will people keep saying I'm not the only one in this situation in 5/10 years? I just can't cope with this. I'm not asking for a lottery win. I don't want to have too much money and be bored..what's a bit of company? Third Christmas single great fun! plus I'm skint from leaving my job.

It can only get better next year right? Or will it?

24-11-09, 18:44

I think you are struggling with low self esteem just now. Why do you need a woman to feel complete? why will it make your xmas better? I realise its very hard getting a job and the constant knocks will get you down both with jobs and women but you must keep boosting your confidence.

Why not find a hobby to keep you motivated rather than watch tv or go running (gym if you can afford as more sociable) to keep fit and impress some of the ladies with your great fitness regime! The less you focus on having a woman the more likely it might happen. Believe me when I say you are only 21 you want to have fun and not worry about r'ships. It will happen when you least expect it! I'm sure countless people tell you this! I did not meet my long term partner till I was 25 and I have other friends who were in their 30's. Don't let it get you down!

Go and write an action plan of things you can do to make you feel good about yourself even if you achieve one this week its a start!

Take care

11-05-12, 00:27
Why is it soo hard..well for me. Life seems so dead and and I have no sense of direction. I just feel hopeless.

I feel I should have an idea of where I am heading..I'm 21 at the moment. my love life is dormant..I try and try and try half the time I'm lucky to get any good conversation out a woman so I give up..it's not even clicking if the convo I make is not good enough and they give nothing back I'm hopeless. I'm struggling to find the words..I'm just one of these rare cases of bad luck. I use to be passionate about it but feel I'm being some old boring git. All I seem to do is stay in. Can't get friends to go to night clubs anymore...just can't get dates like I use too..

Two and a half years since my last long term relationship. I know any positive words here won't change it. I could be another two and a half years single for all I know. Same with work just had interview after interview and no job even when I've been in a job...I don't have any valuable friends I can relay on these days. I know this could all change tomorrow too..however I've been saying that every day.

With being soul destroyed that much I can barely find the motivation each day. All this stuff means alot to be the xbox has got boring. Watching films gets boring..will people keep saying I'm not the only one in this situation in 5/10 years? I just can't cope with this. I'm not asking for a lottery win. I don't want to have too much money and be bored..what's a bit of company? Third Christmas single great fun! plus I'm skint from leaving my job.

It can only get better next year right? Or will it?

Brush up on your chatting up skills , open a window for some fresh air and while its open bung the xbox out aswell its so last season .

Life owes you nothing mate , you have to go out and get what you want .

Third xmas single ...you lucky git ! (under the mistletoe etc :))....peeps would give there right arm to be 21 and single again (i,m on my third time around being 21 ).
We all know its hard and we all have our own personal / family problems , you ask will it get better nxt year ? ...only if you work at it and you are guinenly in need of help from the members on here who spend hours of there own free time helping others sort out there problems aswell as dealing with there own .


11-05-12, 15:20
You gotta try and be abit optimistic, have some hope. Give urself something to look forward to, ur still young. There must be a goal or dream u have, try and go for it but u gotta have patience. On the way up ur confidence may grow. Sort urself out b4 u find a lady.

11-05-12, 15:30

I've done it the other way around and now have the added guilt of "bringing down" a lovely lady with me!

11-05-12, 19:12
Please note this post is 3 years old and Phil is not longer on NMP