View Full Version : Health issues post drugs use?

24-11-09, 19:20

I'm 21 I've been smoking since i was 13 and started taking class A drugs at the age of 14 (stopped several years ago though).

I had my first attack a few months ago. I was driving at night, freaked out, couldn't calm down pulled into a car park and called an ambulance. They took my blood pressure and ECG and it was apparently normal (after I calmed down). For days I couldn't walk, eat, speak etc i honestly thought i was dying.

I went to the doctors, explained what had happened, he checked my pulse and blood pressure (both fine), told me it was anxiety and sent me off. A few attacks and months lost to anxiety I recovered almost completely.

Suddenly its all come back... I haven't even thought about it for ages.

I'm really concerned I've damaged myself from drugs I've taken in the past. Up to the age of 16 I could take them and I'd be fine then at a party i think I had too much too soon and freaked.. Ever since then everytime I had taken something I'd feel really ill/panicky... like realy bad!

Now when I have attacks it feels the same.... in fact exactly the same.. I've never heard of anyone having long term health problems from drugs but I really need closure on this.


Dizzy (especially when asking for help dealing with it)
Hot/Cold flushes (literally boiling to freezing)
Pins and needles all over (when hot)
Heavy head
Racing pulse (but only momentarily)
Loss of concentration.
Feel like something is pulling across my whole body or trying to get out?
Chest pains
Immense fear
Feel nauseous

Reading back over this it sounds like nothing.. As everyone here know though its not that simple..

Sometimes its gets triggered by flashing lights or sometimes dark areas lit from a single point.

Also on my most recent attack my whole face went numb, which really scared me, I had to ring my girlfriend to pick my up from an event I had organised.

It generally lasts for around 4-5 hours. And i have a cooling down period of around 3 days. So if I have and attack I can pretty much say goodbye to my week.

I'm 21 for gods sake and I shouldn't have any health worries and have too much on to be dealing with this.. Anyone know/had any experience of PA's post drug use?

Thanks for reading.


24-11-09, 20:02
Hi Fazman

Firstly a HUGE well done on quitting the drugs!! :yesyes: You should be very proud of yourself because once people start on any type of drug, It's a very difficult habit to break.

Reading your symptoms makes me think 'Classic Anxiety and Panic attacks'. Although please don't take my word for that because i am not medically trained.

You said you had a bad reaction one night to a drug and 'freaked out'.
Were you in an atmosphere where there were flashing lights ect because you sound like you are experiencing a trigger to your panic attacks.

You are very young hun and i am sure you will be absolutely fine.


Cell block H fan
24-11-09, 20:30
I am not into them myself, but my 28 year old brother is a coke addict, has been doing it since he was about 15, & so far he is ok. He did used to get chest pains, but recently had his heart checked & blood pressure & he was fine. Typical that he causes his family to have such stress but isn't sufferring himself lol!
But I really dont think you need to worry. I have heard that long term waccy baccy use can cause paranoia etc. But at your age, I wouldn't of thought you need to worry to be honest.
Just dont take it anymore! x

24-11-09, 21:26
Hi guys thanks for your replies..

I was never really addicted to anything, but did have short periods of continuous habit so to speak:huh:

No there weren't any flashing lights it was just someones house. I'm a musician and its the flashing lights on stage that really get to me, normally when they're out of time with the music. But I was working the other day controlling stage lighting and I basically used strobing effects most of the night and had no problem (but it is probably safe to say lights are a trigger, I've never had a seizure or anything though).

Reading my own words maybe its a control thing - I like to know exactly what I'm doing in every situation, wether it be work, going shopping. I guess when I'm having a PA I feel i can't control it and that's what's making it worse.

I do remember a lot of people telling me to 'take it easy' though prior to the attack. Think i was just over wired :scared15:, I'm not the biggest of guys and even a couple of drinks will make me feel funny.

In fact looking back on it all i never really did as much as my friends around me.

The thing that keeps me worrying about my health is that I can get over the 100% mental PA's easily, i can just laugh it off and carry on with life without a care in the world. But sometimes I get these different ones where all the physical symptoms start kicking in I find it really hard to control and just get overwhelmed.

I don't know I think it's just the uncertainty... Well I've finally got my first CBT session this week.

I think shearly for peace of mind I should probably ask for a proper MOT from the docs. Maybe go in without mentioning PA's as that just seems to get me talks on them..

Thanks again guys.. I feel like I'm winging typing on here :).