View Full Version : maybe asthma

24-11-09, 20:46
Hi everyone just after some advice. At the start of the year I had a really bad flu which turned it into Bronchitus. Anyway after that my chest never seemed right so much so that tbh it has ruined my training this year. Reason being is whilst I was training all of a sudden my chest would get tight and my heart would start pounding and I would feel really wierd and have to stop training. I thought there was something wrong with my heart so booked a medical with bupa about september. That came back that my heart was fine colosterol fine but my chest was a little tight but nothing major.

After this I carried on trying to train but the same thing was happening to me so this time I went to doctors. Also I was noticing that little things like getting up to the toilet or going to get a drink my heart was pounding too. Doctor wasn't sure what it was but said he think that it could be mild asthma from the bronchitus and gave me a blue ventolin inhailor. This eased things off for me and was able to train again and seemed to ease things off.

Now I have had the inhailor for a few months and whats worrying me is that I haven't actually been diagnosed with asthma and I will get some kind or rebound effect which the doctor confirmed can happen and told me I need to book in with the asthma nurse who I am seeing next month. Now this is what is worrying me. I caught a chest infection and since that a few month ago when I am training in between my sets my heart seems to be beating much harder and faster than previously had and also things like walking upstairs for a pee is making my heart pound, yet when I do some cardio I can't feel it pounding! Does anyone else have any experience with this as its kind of ruining my training at the minute and getting me a bit worried.

Sorry its a bit long winded guys would appreciate any advice off you who have asthma too. cheers

22-12-09, 20:47
I have just found this post and know it is a month old so you may not read it.

I have has something really similar. I started feeling tight chested in August and went to docs as scared - he said anxiety. I knew it was different. That week I started with a cold/cough which turned really chesty and was eventually given antibiotics. Still coughing up horrible gunk 8 weeks later so given more tablets and the next time was given an inhaler (blue), then more antibiotics and then a brown inhaler. No-one seems to know why I keep coughing. When the infection clears I am left breathless with pounding heart when I go upstairs and then I start coughing up stuff again. I have been referred to a respiratory specialist and totally have myself convinced of lung cancer of course.

You aren't alone but I don't actually know the answer - I'll let you know what they say next month.

T x

22-12-09, 21:32
Sounds like you could have mild asthma, which can be controlled with inhalers!
Tomimo, you sound like you have a chest infection, because of all the 'gunk' that you are bringing up. Do you smoke because that will make matters worse.