View Full Version : i thought everything was ok

24-11-09, 21:34
hello everyone my gp has put me on 60mg citralopm and i thought it was starting to work but NO that horrible person at work still ignorne me ALL day and i came away from work crying AGAIN i WANT this job soo much and want to be working WHAT CAN I DO im sooo fed up and ready too quit please help thanks h x:weep::weep::weep::weep:

25-11-09, 01:45
Anxiety is like a bully. It loves to keep niggling us because it knows it can frighten us. The more we show that it upsets us, the more it enjoys making our life a misery. The more we feed it, the more it thrives................until one day we turn round and say to it "You Don't scare me, go away and leave me alone!" OR we learn to ignore it and treat it as if it doesn't exist!

Sometimes when we have a person who keeps niggling us and we report them to our boss, the person will keep niggling because they know we won't confront them directly.

If someone kept niggling me at work who wasn't my boss, I'd go up to them and say "Excuse me, but have you got a problem with me and if so why?" They'll then either have to explain themselves in front of others or back down.

There is always one bad apple in a basket and often no matter how much we want to be friends, they'll never change. We can only stand up to them to show we're not afraid OR just ignore them as if they don't exist because then they feel they're wasting their time because we deny them the fuel they want to feed their fire against us.:hugs: