View Full Version : Undercooked Pizza?

24-11-09, 21:37
2nd thread here today so sorry to be a nag :weep:

I bought a pizza (a pepperami one) on Monday and put it in the fridge by mistake so I let it thaw over night and cooked it today.

The time on the back (I know their only guidelines) said 16 minutes from frozen, it didnt have any not from frozen guidelines.

Mine was starting to burnat only 10 minutes so I left it for another 2 maybe 3 minutes and ate it.

I know it may sound stupid and me over reacting but Im really anxious now about whether or not I will be ill from eating it undercooked by about 4 minutes?

I cant remember if it was piping hot all the way through now, I know it was hot but my anxiety is making me think was it really hot in all the way through or not.

Thanks for any reassurence.

24-11-09, 21:41
You wont be ill i promise... with pizza you can tell just by looking if its cooked. Different ovens take different amounts of time.. as long as it was hot you will be ok and to be absolutely honest if it wasnt frozen any longer even if it were slightly undercooked it wouldnt do you any harm. In france they eat meat raw ewww lol

24-11-09, 21:44
MMMMMMMM Pizza,you'll be fine got any left?

24-11-09, 21:47
I have done this several times. You will be just fine.

I actually like my pizza a little under done. :D

24-11-09, 21:52
You will be perfectly fine :)

Eating raw pizza dough wouldn't do you any harm and the pepperoni on it is already cooked. I often pick the frozen pepperoni off and eat it just like that!

Also as others have said different ovens take different times. My oven is very fast and things like breaded chicken pieces are cooked within 10 minutes if the oven is heated up properly xx

24-11-09, 21:54
Ooops pepperami not pepperoni same thing really lol.

Also as you cooked it when it had defrosted I'm not surprised it only took 10 minutes! x

25-11-09, 01:36
With something like pizza, it wouldn't matter even if you ate it frozen. All the meat on it would be precooked. I've even heard that meat with a lot of curing/preservatives could be eaten raw safely, though I would never do that!

25-11-09, 02:26
nope. .i can assure you. besides pepperoni is already cooked before its put on pizza and the other things are just cheese and tomato sauce nothing that could really hurt you by under cooking.. Michael