View Full Version : Very embarrassing sexual thing..maybe ladies??

24-11-09, 22:27
Oh gawd i cannot believe i am writing this...i have NEVER told anyone this and i am so ambarrassed about it.
When i orgasm i have a horrific debilitating migraine. It's so painful i cant open my eyes, move my head or even speak. This is seriously putting me off sex, it embarresses me so much. Sometimes i cry after sex because of it and my other half is mortified because she has no idea what the problem is.
I hate this. It's extremeley painful and i am begining to think its a tumor or something. I actually have a routine appointment with my GP in the morning but i am so scared of mentioning it to him. I am scared and just dont know what to do. Can anyone please help?

24-11-09, 22:42
Please tell your doctor in the morning. There's nothing they've not heard before, so you don't need to be embarrassed. It sounds as if you need some medical help with this.

24-11-09, 22:56
Thank you maddie :weep:

24-11-09, 23:16
I have heard of this before and it was something to do with the chemicals released during orgasm and it effects some people more than others.

25-11-09, 00:45
See a doctor .. the sooner the better. It doesn't sound right ,not trying to scare you , I mean I don't think its a tumor or nothing but getting a migraine after that hmmm It might mean you have some anxiety or emotional issues or maybe there is an allergy to her perfume ,could be many reasons but I for one would make sure I told my doctor..Good luck to you and hope you feel better. Michael

25-11-09, 01:24
I have also heard of this before, but in women. From what I remember, it was nothing very serious. However, it's obviously really affecting you, so please do tell your Doctor. A tumor would not present this way.

25-11-09, 02:48
try Feverfew it's a herb or get it in Boots it's call Migraleave basically the same thing!
I find it a godsend for my migraaines. But you do have to take it every day. take it with food. It's been proven to help prevent migraines and well I find it does really help and I hope it may help you too.

25-11-09, 06:40
Hi Kerry - just seen this post and wanted to add a friend of mine suffers from the same thing and has done for quite a wile - when she plucked up the nerve to speak to her doctor about it he told her straight off what she was experiencing was exertional headaches - brought on by an adrenalin rush. Was nothing to worry about - But I will add if you are still anxious regarding this problem have a wee chat with ur doc.

Luv Dee xx :hugs:

25-11-09, 10:26
Don't be embarassed about it, especially not here. Lord, the amount of embarassing things I alone have posted on here.. And asked my doctor about! Thats what doctors are there for. He won't judge you or laugh, he will offer solutions to help you.

My lover has the same problem. He gets horrible migraines after orgasms. He has been to the doctor about it and the doctor really has not been able to figure it out. He simply loads up on pain relief medication when it happens...

Let us know what the doctor says.. I'd like to pass the information onto mine with the same issue!!

Take care. xx and don't be embarassed!