View Full Version : I Want A Warrenty Or Gurarantee That Im Not SICK!!!!!

25-11-09, 00:12
I like many of you want to make sure you aren't sick and aren't going to die anytime soon..

I hate guessing and wondering if its anxiety .. I have having so many symptoms of illnesses but not having all of them.

I hate not knowing but been to the doctor and she checked me over and over everything you can look for and check even ekg and every symptom in the book.. She said as far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with you.

Maybe high blood pressure.. maybe.. we will up your meds and see. .But other that that you have no damage showing of any disease or symptom of any illness,your heart sounds healthy your lungs sound perfect.. Your weight is good and I see no obvious things that would tip me off that there was something wrong..

Ok.. ruling everything out "maybe" then ok what about the high blood pressure.. The higher dose of meds just made me very very tired and out of breath ,pulse too low and just feeling irritable .

So we bought a blood pressure monitor and with my usual dose of meds not the higher dose its been just barely barely over normal putting me into pre- hypertension stage.. or borderline..

OK now im worried that maybe my blood pressure is too high or gets that way but I don't want to take meds that make my heart beat too slow or makes me feel tired.. Im taking a low dose now that its taken years to get used to or maybe it just got used to me but anything over that makes me feel bad..

As far as any disease I don't have classic symptoms of anything..
I do get tired some. I feel bad overall somedays.. I have sinus problems
I get headaches some "mostly tension" but still get them.. I get cold and sweat which for this place the pharmacist and a doctor has told me its the water being sucked out of your body because of low humidity and high altitude..

Also thats another ppint I have read where high altitude pushes your blood pressure up too.. This worries me..Before we moved here I never had higher blood pressure.. the beta blocker im taking was never prescribed for that it was prescribed because I would get anxiety and I would panic and it would keep my heart rate slower so It wouldn't get too high so it was never prescribed for high blood pressure.

Sorry for such a long post.. Really I am.. just all this bp stuff has gotten me almost angry.. You read ok if you have high blood pressure maybe its kidney disease. I dont have that, You read it could be Diabetes . I don't have that. They say it could be high cholesterol im not sure I don't have that but would say other than smoking there is not much other it could be to cause me to have high cholesterol ..

So in the long run your heart is sound or thought to be , your lungs are good or thought to be, your general health is good ,or thought to be..Why can't they give you a warranty or guarantee that you will be ok..

I guess what is so scary in HA is that you don't have control. You never know what could happen when or where.. Its just not fair.. We all could live to be 100 without worrying and when you are 99 and almost 361 days before you are 100 and you know you will die the very day you turn 100 Im thinking people would not health anxiety ,they would know when they were going to die and that would be that.

Im sorry really sorry about the long post.. I had to rant and rave a bit because I get so angry guessing if im sick or not or im good to go.. just as many of you do too. I know sometimes , "well more than others I post long post" but then again many times I read long post of others just to see how things are in their lives. I appreciate being able to blow off steam and your thoughts and comments on things I post here. God Bless you all

PS when The doctor asked me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are you so anxious.. I told her that I was afraid I was going to die.. Her answer.. WE ALL ARE GOING TO DIE..! wonderful supportive thought from my doctor..very nice huh?

25-11-09, 02:16
The biggest problem with HA is that once you have ruled out one thing, you will automatically think there is something else wrong with you. It is a constant never ending cycle. You can have all the tests in the world and it wont be enough. We have to change our train of thoughts, our minds and how we analyze everything. Once we can learn to do that then and only then will we slowly be able to let go of all these demons.

25-11-09, 02:33
Thank you sweetheart for reading and answering the rants of an old man:-)

25-11-09, 03:48
One thing that has helped me a lot is to keep a private blog of my symptoms. I write all of my symptoms down, how much sleep I got, if work is stressing me out, if I have asked the dr about these symptoms and anything else that is on my mind about anxiety. Like most of us I get something in my head and can't shake the feeling of doom and focus even more on my symptoms. Writing all this down helps me both look back and see that I have had symptoms before like whatever I am going through now and it helps me find correlations like my bowels act up after a few days of not getting enough sleep or that my fingers ache for days on end when I am stressed at work. Anyway, I don't have any sure fire tips to beat anxiety but writing about it seems to help. Also, if you look over your old writings as if they were from someone else you can maybe get a sense of how you seem to focus on something and then it goes away for a while. Again, this helps me. As for your heart and lungs, it sounds like they are fine. I can't guarantee anything, sorry but I think you are fine. As always, keep posting and we will be here to help however we can. Good luck.

25-11-09, 04:16
Again.. thank God for NMP .. I have asked about everything you could ever feel on here.. and most I have gotten answers for.. Its been real eye opener also the fact they keep your post I can go back almost three or more years. Been really great for me. Funny everytime I get a symptom I can almost go back three years and find where I had it befofe..

I tried one time of keeping a blog of how I felt. I found myself writing a book almost and then started getting carpal tunnel syndrome.. had to stop.. Thus im thinking maybe the samething with your fingers hurting.. So thats out of the question but lately although I haven't typed this much in a year or so.. its helped me to be back on here checking out what others are saying and reviewing what I said in the past.,as far as the sure fire tips.. I have plenty only its easier to give them to others than practice them myself. Just kidding really ,,many of them have worked sometimes and sometimes not.. Just depending on circumstances..Thanks for replying.. Michael