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25-11-09, 03:59
Depression from fear and anxiety.

FEAR or as I now refer to it as a metaphor for FALSE EXPECTATIONS APPEARING REAL

How many times have us panic/ANXIETY sufferers nearly died a million deaths worrying about something which leads our bodies to experience the actual frightening sensations about something that maybe DID NOT OCCUR???

It could be for example, agonizing over a visit to the dentist or simply going to a social function and then when the event is over it was nowhere nearly as bad as had built it up to be.

Our minds cannot differentiate between imagination and reality too well. If we imagine FEAR we start to really feel it. It is also impossible for the brain to be in a relaxed state and the body to be in a state of tension and vice versa.

Some tips I have found very useful from when I played competitive golf tournaments and was often very nervous was to imagine the calmest most idyllic place in the world so vividly and then squeeze my thumb and index finger on my left hand together. I would repeat this this loads and loads of times until just by squeezing my left thumb and index finger together my mind would immediately be transported to this magical mystical place of calm and solitude.

I used to use the same method with my right hand when I wanted UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE WHEREBY I COULD STORM THROUGH ANY LIMITATION.

You can use any "Anchor" or "Trigger" you like to alter your state of anxiety.
Yes -- I still suffer from Anxiety, occasional panic when my guard is down and depression (I'm Bi Polar) but I sincerely believe and hope that the above tips might be of help to some of you.
By the way -- I got these tips from listening to Anthony Robbins tapes -- I would hate any of you to think I was bright enough to come up with these ideas on my own.

Very best wishes to all,

Well Veronica - what do you think?

Veronica H
25-11-09, 08:55
:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::bighug1::flowers:Couldn't agree more.


25-11-09, 13:44
Hi Barry

It could be for example, agonizing over a visit to the dentist or simply going to a social function and then when the event is over it was nowhere nearly as bad as had built it up to be.

Can't agree more. Actual went dentist yesterday. Sitting in the waiting room was painful but neccessary so I suffered in silence. What bugs me are the events you can avoid...... say, my wife's choir concert just because I don't
like sitting in the crowd. Learning to visialize the concert as a good experience before hand would mean you might enjoy the experience as it happened but I guess that would be a hard skill to learn.


26-11-09, 14:30
As always Barry sound advice
Happy days :)

Munkey x

26-11-09, 15:41
Same principle, but I've always found that having a small object or my keys in my pocket to feel and concentrate on really helps ground me so I can distract myself if I'm out and feel a pa coming on.

28-11-09, 14:48
With enough practice you won't even need the comfort of having keys with you. Your mind will control your body.

It's impossible for the body to be tense if the brain is relaxed and by repeating these drills -- the "anchors" will give you more and more calmness or self confidence depending on what anchor you are triggering.

30-11-09, 18:18
ooh man this is right on the button! i work myself up all the time, most notably when i have to use the phone, when its someone i dont know. i have this feeling that they are going to be, well i dont know, horrible or short with me, even with friends i thought that!! what ive been using with regards to this and other parts of my anxiety (and this is going to sound very wierd and maybe a bit pathetic sounding) was my girlfriends face and her saying how proud of me she was when i picked up the phone and ordered food to be delivered, something she has had to do everytime for the last 5 years ive been with her because previously my anxiety wouldnt let me even do that. That thought and feeling shakes me inside and gets me back on track and focused, feels like it pulls me out of any negative feelings im experiencing from building things up in my head.
That reads a bit strange reading that back but was a huge step for me!lol

01-12-09, 04:38
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Well Done
Dear GCL,

Well done!! You should be proud of yourself for ordering the food by phone and linking your girlfriends saying "well done" is like an "anchor" giving you confidence for future stressful situations. Just keep picturing your girlfriends face complementing you and link it to a physical action like I suggested (squeezing thumb and index finger together) and by practising this frequently it will become a sub conscious move that fires off confidence to your conscious mind.

Best wishes and well done!!