View Full Version : a small issue...

25-11-09, 05:37
so about...5 or 6 days or so ago, i kind of accidentally brushed by left nipple and it kinda hurt. gave it a bit of a feel and found a little hard lump just under the areola (i'm an 18 year old guy by the way). i'm not really sure how long it's been there, i'm guessing fairly recently though. i don't touch my nipples that much but yeah...

felt like a large pimple i guess. kind of felt it around a bit then went to bed.

the next day it actually felt slightly smaller but hut a bit more, probably from squeezing and fiddling around with it a lot.

since then, it hasn't really changed. it's still tender/slightly sore to touch but i can squeeze it easily.

i read up about this kinda thing and found out it's most likely just harmless and will pass. when i squeezed it reaaaaaally hard i got like...0.2% of a drop's worth of clear liquid out of my nipple but no discharge apart from that. nipple is not inverted either.

don't know what else to do. i could go to the doctor but it's kinda overkill.

any advice/information?

25-11-09, 05:45
woops, wrong forum...please delete.