View Full Version : a small issue...

25-11-09, 05:46
so about...5 or 6 days or so ago, i kind of accidentally brushed by left nipple and it kinda hurt. gave it a bit of a feel and found a little hard lump just under the areola (i'm an 18 year old guy by the way). i'm not really sure how long it's been there, i'm guessing fairly recently though. i don't touch my nipples that much but yeah...

felt like a large pimple i guess. kind of felt it around a bit then went to bed.

the next day it actually felt slightly smaller but hut a bit more, probably from squeezing and fiddling around with it a lot.

since then, it hasn't really changed. it's still tender/slightly sore to touch but i can squeeze it easily.

i read up about this kinda thing and found out it's most likely just harmless and will pass. when i squeezed it reaaaaaally hard i got like...0.2% of a drop's worth of clear liquid out of my nipple but no discharge apart from that. nipple is not inverted either.

don't know what else to do. i could go to the doctor but it's kinda overkill.

any advice/information?

25-11-09, 05:51
My husband had the same thing. It was just a small infection of a duct in there. I had no idea that men could get them. He was put on antibiotics and it was gone in about 3 days. No harm in having it looked at and getting it taken care of. There should never be any liquid come out of your nipple.

25-11-09, 06:00
My husband had the same thing. It was just a small infection of a duct in there. I had no idea that men could get them. He was put on antibiotics and it was gone in about 3 days. No harm in having it looked at and getting it taken care of. There should never be any liquid come out of your nipple.

mmm, interesting. 99% chance it's harmless.

the effort lies in the fact that i'd have to get my parents to check it out first but i am 18 so i can just organize a doctors appointment myself.

25-11-09, 06:28
I had something very similiar to this but it turned out to be light milky liquid was still secreting from the milk ducts of the breasts totally harmless - If you're worried about it in any way get checked out by your doc.


26-11-09, 01:54
Don't guess have it checked out..Its probably nothing but always better to be safe.. Michael

27-11-09, 23:20

went to the doc today. as usual, said it was most likely nothing harmful but go have an ultrasound to be sure.

said because i'm out of puberty, it slightly raises the risk of it being harmful, although breast cancer accounts for less than 1% of cancers in men.

kind of annoying...i just wanted to put my mind at ease.

28-11-09, 01:11
It's best to be sure. I've had 2 breast cysts at separate times. I was really worried about both, but they were drained and have never returned. I'ts good that your doc is being cautious, then your mind really can be put at ease.

Let us know how it goes.

22-12-09, 23:12
so, i just got back from that ultra sound.

the doctor who was scanning me said it was gynecomastia. then she got in another doctor to make sure and he said it was hormonal and would eventually disappear, nothing nasty.

thank god for that.

04-12-13, 17:05
Just a small note to the old thread. Anxiety or depression drugs rarely cause gynecomastia but Tagamet or Omeprazole for acid reflux can.