View Full Version : Alone again...

14-11-05, 20:35
Hi Guys!

I'm alone again. This time I've been deserted for THREE nights.

As always I'm anxious my insomnia will raise it's ugly head.

I don't know why I'm writing, but just telling people makes the anxiety seem (a little) less. I've used my Rescue Remedy and it's standing by for later if I need it again. I also have my vertiver oil, camomile tea, a warm bath and another girly DVD.

Am I the only one who starts worrying when their routine is rocked like this? Nothing else has changed other than my major support has gone. I always put the kids on the bus (so that's not new); I always then go to work (so that's not new); I always cook for them, put them to bed, tidy up (ditto). SO why should the disappearance of one factor (who doesn't do I great deal anyway) knock me for six so much?!

Yep - I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself.


14-11-05, 20:43
Its companionship and routine and yes it can rock us ..

Well done for getting your support pack together thats a great start...

We're here to help see you through


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-11-05, 21:22
Hi Dusty,

Hope the 3 nights go quickly for you.

Think we are all creatures of habit!


Sue K with 5
14-11-05, 22:05

Its knowing that someone is in the house, my hubby took two of my five children away on holiday not so long ago and I was fine but at night it is not having that familiar person about ! During the day we are too busy to think about it !

I had a great time whilst he was away - I took the quilt downstairs everynight - got choccie some brilliant DVD's and I slept feeling quite smug in the knowledge of knwoing he was cold without me ! he had a single bed for five days !

It is because he is part of your routine whether he does much or not !

Dont worry it will go very quickly - enjoy the DVD

Sue with 5
