View Full Version : Bi Polar

25-11-09, 08:05
Hi everyone,

Just wondering how many others like me have been diagnosed as Bi Polar and what medications you have been prescribed and how you cope with the mood swings?

Best wishes to all

25-11-09, 15:27
Hi Barry,

Have you recently been diagnosed with having bipoler disorder?

I have bipoler and a combination of medication, having a wonderful husband and the support of my mental health team, all help me to be stable (most of the time)

I take Mirtazapine for an antidepressent, Lamotrogine as a mood stabiliser,Quetiapine to help with my anxieties, Diazepam when needed and Zopiclone to help me sleep.

Although I take a lot of medication, some people with bipolar manage well with very little or no medication. Everyone is different, so what may help me, might not suit someone else, also talk therapies like CBT can help people enormously.

I see my Psychiatrist every 3 months, I have a CPN come to my house every 4 weeks and my suppout worker comes to see me on a weekly basis. I also attend a resource centre twice per week.

Dealing with mood swings can be very difficult at times, but I try to recognise and deal with my moods when I can - a lot of my coping methods have been learned from my mental health team and through CBT. I try to talk to my husband, however on other occasions I just need some time on my own. What helps me, is reminding myself that this is how I am feeling 'now', I didn't feel that way before and it WILL pass.

Take care :)

26-11-09, 04:48
hi Sunshine Lady,

Lovely name and many thanks for your reply.

I also take Mirtizapine and various other medications such as lexapro, Xanax, Topamax and Benadryl to help me sleep and cope with anxiety.

I was diagnosed as having Bi Polar about 1 1/2 years ago and I had a nervous breakdown just over 3 years ago and have suffered with IBS on and off for over 20 years.

I'm a 44 year old male originally from London UK but have been living in Thailand for the last 21 years. Unfortunately, there is no counselling available to me here. Would you know if it's possible to do counselling over the internet?

Best wishes and I hope you're having a great day and thanks once again!!

14-12-09, 19:47
Hi All
I have been diagnosed with Bi-polar for the last 12 years. I was on and off my medication and learnt to love the highs, they became my way of life. Earlier this year i suffered an episode, a real hum dinger, i flew between up and down, calm and anxious. One particular night i had the mother of all panic attacks, i felt like i was going mad, my mind was a race course, my mouth wouldn't stop working. I had to take myself to A&E, where i sat for 6 hours, strangly enough when i was there i felt safe. I was given Clonazepam and told to go home and sleep and a referral would be made. I am now under the mental health team and my journey continues, this has been going on for 7 months and i am so tired. I take Quetiapine, Lithuim and Clonazepam PRN when needed. Some weeks i feel my "normal" then suddenly i feel like i am back to the start again. I do suffer with many internal conflicts am awaiting CBT, i have a fantastic consultant, care co-ordinator and the MASST 24/7 if i need them. I am told that i am Bi-polar manic. Does anyone miss being high like i do, i felt it was my friend, now i am semi stable i don't know who i am like i did before :O(

18-12-09, 23:34
Hello all, I was diagnosed with bi-polar and borderline personality disorder back in 92, I was sectioned for 18 months and then did a follow on therapy course. I came off the drugs for a substantial amount of time but now I am back where I was only this time I stopped myself from going down that slippery slope and called in my doctor who pulled strings to get me assessed and then a psychiatrist all within 2 weeks... I know I count my blessings every day that I received the help I have. I have the citizens advice bureau helping me too with various things. I take fluoxetine 20mg in the morning then when needed diazepam 5mg for my anxiety attacks and before bed I take seroquel xl 600 mg prolonged release, I also take zopiclone 7.5mg to help me sleep. I got the odd side effect with these medications but am hopeful that they will soon pass. I have come to terms with my illness and as long as I take my meds there I can lead a perfectly good life :) Think positive!

P.S. I am happy now but I go from happy to sad in two seconds flat so please excuse any downer posts from me. I have several moods which I am trying to control.