View Full Version : Knowing anxiety/stress has affected your health

25-11-09, 11:05
Do any of you actually KNOW anxiety and stress has made your health worse? I am 100% sure it has done.

Over the past 6 years of having anxiety and stress I have seen changes in my body, ok i'm only 21 but I get really bad acne these days and when I was 13-14 and the stress was on and off I used to get it occasionally but never as bad as I get it now. I also in the past 3 months or so have developed rashes on my torso which I can't explain. They are rough dry skin rashes which I have never had before.

Also for the past 6 years I have had bad dark circles under my eyes and pale/greasy skin even though I have a bath every day and look after my appearance and skin the best I can.

I also get muscle twitches and have had them for about 2 years, I get them nearly every day without fail. I have really bad fatigue and when I go out I feel confused and I can't concentrate. Lights seem to make my eyes go blurry and not be able to focus. I never had that problem 3 years ago. I also have bad neck pain constantly.

I have had blood tests done at the hospital and they came back as normal, how can that be possible???

Basically I am 100% sure anxiety and stress over a long period of time has done that to me. I notice changes in my body when I get stressed and I would say YES anxiety and stress does harm you, it's not JUST symptoms, it can damage your body in my opinion.

Veronica H
27-11-09, 09:28
The mind and body cannot be separated and the lack of balance in one affects the other. Thoughts become feelings with anxiety leading often to depression, to less sleep, lack of appetite not wanting to socialise or exercise which closes us down. You have a point Andy but the good news is that by tackling the anxiety our general health picks up too.

:bighug1: Veronica

27-11-09, 11:27
There is no question that stress & anxiety can affect your physical health. Your mind pretty much regulates everything in your body so when its not well you wont be and overtime that can have a big effect.

Stress and anxiety can cause you blood pressure to rise which in turn can affect your heart so even though the cause is emotional the result is physical. So can not eating or overeating depending on how your body reacts to strees and anxiety though its usually the former.

Thats why I believe 100% that people shouldnt tackle this stuff on their own, seek a doctor or therapist, sites like this can give you comfort and put your mind at ease but they cant solve peoples problems especially if you have gotten into a cycle of anxiety, which I know I have.

27-11-09, 11:41
Thanks for those replys :)

I agree that your mind can make you feel ill, the only thing that confuses me with these symptoms I get is that even though I have stress/anxiety I do have a good balanced diet and I do excercise. I do weight training every 2-3 days and I don't overdo it by any means. I make sure I rest well inbetween and I eat lots of proteins and I am in the perfect weight range for my height. I also take vitamins and zinc which should be helping my skin but it's not really.

I don't understand how I am tired 24/7 and feeling drained even though my diet is giving me the correct supplementation and I very rarely eat junk food and I don't have caffeine at all.

Surely then the only explanation is something medically wrong with my body... Not according to blood tests.